Lecture: Particle physics at the MESA accelerator
Talk: A challenge to the cosmological standard model
Talk. title: The AI Scientist?
talk: tba
Talks on the movie Oppenheimer + Movie: Günter Steinmeyer talks about the physics of the movie Oppenheimer and Olaf Müller talsk about moral aspects on research on nuclear weapons. After that the movie will be presented.
talk: The LHeC: the ultimate LHC upgrade with electron-proton collisions
Talk: From Einstein and Bell to Quantum Technologies: Entanglement in Action
Talk: From entanglement monogamy to polygamy in quantum networks
Talk: tba
Talk: How to search for Hidden Particles with a dedicated beam dump experiment at CERN’s SPS
Talk: Photon Correlations and Quantum Nonlinearities: Insights from Atom-Light Interactions