Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät | Institut für Physik | Physik von Makromolekülen | PMM-Nachrichten PMM-Nachrichten Light-controlled “molecular zippers” based on azobenzene polymers Nile red dye in aqueous surfactant and micellar solution Synthesis, structures, and photophysical properties of π-expanded oligothiophene 8-mers and their saturn-like C60 complexes Professor Steven L. Bernasek KOSMOS Fellow aus Princeton Nanotubular J-aggregates and quantum dots coupled for efficient resonance excitation energy transfer Mechanical rupture of mono- and bivalent transition metal complexes in experiment and theory Dense or porous packing? 2D-self-assembly of star-shaped mono-, bi-, and terpyridine derivatives Nanophase separation in monomolecularly thin water-ethanol films controlled by graphene Site-dependent van der Waals interaction explains exciton spectra of double-walled tubular dye-aggregates Lattice Matching as the Determining Factor for Molecular Tilt and Multilayer Growth Mode of the Nanographene Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene Hua Liang hat seine Dissertation mit magna cum laude verteidigt Vitalij Scenev hat seine Dissertation mit magna cum laude verteidigt Bita Rezania mit dem Posterpreis des Adlershofer Forschungsforum 2014 ausgezeichnet Light-induced contraction and extension of single macromolecules on a modified graphite surface An der Grenze des Denkbaren Running Probes und Random Walkers in Adlershofer Firmenstaffel 2014 Philipp Lange mit Lise-Meitner-Preis ausgezeichnet Hydration of Bilayered Graphene Oxide Zweidimensionaler Halbleiter Evidence for graphene plasmons in the visible spectral range probed by molecules 20 frühere Inhalte 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Die nächsten 20 Inhalte
Synthesis, structures, and photophysical properties of π-expanded oligothiophene 8-mers and their saturn-like C60 complexes
Site-dependent van der Waals interaction explains exciton spectra of double-walled tubular dye-aggregates
Lattice Matching as the Determining Factor for Molecular Tilt and Multilayer Growth Mode of the Nanographene Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene