Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Physics Education

Dr. Steffen Wagner

Dr. Steffen Wagner
research assistant
steffen.wagner (at)

Humboldt-Universität → Präsidium → Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät → Institut für Physik → Didaktik der Physik
Visiting address
Newtonstraße 15 , Room 2'312
Phone number
(030) 2093-82094
Mailing address
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin

Current Position

Visiting professor for elementary science at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (from April 2022)

Research Projects

Explanations and Models in Physics Learning

Models and explanations are central tools for doing and leaning science. In various research projects, we aim to develop precise, objective, structural and content-related methods to analyze (the use of models in) written explanations as well as interventions to support learners in writing explanations. A core component of our methods are graphical networks (element maps), which we use to visualize models and explanations and make them more accessible.

  • Wagner, S. (2022). Mapping The Gap: Exploring the Relation Between Phenomena and Theory in Scientific Explanations. Concept Mapping - Improving Learning and Understanding, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Concept Mapping, 134–139.
  • Wagner, S., Kok, K., & Priemer, B. (2020). Measuring Characteristics of Explanations with Element Maps. Education Sciences, 10(2), 36.
  • Wagner, S. (2018). Erklärungen physikalischer Phänomene mit Modellen [Dissertation]. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät. (Link)
Critical Thinking Across Educational Levels
Critical Thinking is a crucial 21st Century Skill. In this project, we propose and analyze recommendations for applying Critical Thinking to labs in the classroom and how to teach it to pre-service teachers. Moreover, we analyze curricula to reveal their resources and shortcomings for teaching and learning Critical Thinking.
  • Wagner, S., Maut, C., & Priemer, B. (2021). Thermal expansion of water in the science lab—Advantages and disadvantages of different experimental setups. Physics Education, 56(3).
  • Wagner, S., Ernst, G., Priemer, B., & Upmeier zu Belzen, A. (2021). Der Wissenschaft auf der Spur—Anhand eines fiktiven Kriminalfalls systematisieren lernen. Sachunterricht Grundschule, 89(1), 6.
Interest in Science

Interest in science is an important individual factor for learning science. We explore in what scientific topics and questions elementary school students and pre-service teachers are interest in. By doing so, we enable adapting learning environments to their interests. One notable finding is that both groups are particularly interested in the Nature of Science as well as in the life, motivation and work of scientists.

  • Future Primary School Teachers' Interests in Science. NARST 2022 Annual Conference, Vancouver / Canada
  • Naturwissenschaftliche Interessen von Kindern zu Beginn des NaWi-Unterrichts. Vortrag auf der GDSU Jahrestagung 2020, Augsburg / Germany
  • Von Mücken und Schwarzen Löchern - Naturwissenschaftliche Interessen von Kindern zu Beginn des NaWi-Unterrichts. Workshop auf dem MINT Grundschullehrer*innen Tages des MNU Landesverbandes Berlin-Brandenburg am 20.2.2020, Potsdam / Germany


  • Wagner, S. (2022). Mapping The Gap: Exploring the Relation Between Phenomena and Theory in Scientific Explanations. Concept Mapping - Improving Learning and Understanding, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Concept Mapping, 134–139.
  • Wagner S., Maut C., Priemer B. (2021) Thermal expansion of water in the science lab - advantages and disadvantages of different experimental setups, Physics Education (in press)
  • Wagner S., Ernst G., Priemer B., Upmeier zu Belzen A. (2021) Der Wissenschaft auf der Spur - Anhand eines fiktiven Kriminalfalls systematisieren lernen, Sachunterricht Grundschule 89 (1)
  • Wagner S., Kok K., & Priemer B. (2020). Measuring Characteristics of Explanations with Element Maps, Education Sciences 10(2) 36, doi:10.3390/educsci10020036
  • Wagner S., Ziesler J., Priemer B. (2020). Naturwissenschaftliche Interessen von Studierenden des Grundschullehramts. In S. Habig (Hrsg.), Naturwissenschaftliche Kompetenzen in der Gesellschaft von morgen (Bd. 40, S. 357 - 360). Duisburg, Essen: Universität Duisburg - Essen
  • Wagner, S. (2018). Erklärungen physikalischer Phänomene mit Modellen. (Dissertation) Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 
  • Grusche S., & Wagner S. (2016). Two different looks at Kepler's refraction experiment. Physics Education51 (11)
  • Wagner S. et al. (2015). Analyse des Modellverständnisses Physikstudierender am Beispiel der optischen Brechung. In S. Bernholt (Hrsg.), Heterogenität und Diversität - Vielfalt der Voraussetzungen im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht (Bd. 35, S. 163–165). Kiel: IPN