Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Nonlinear Quantum Optics


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Sven Ramelow

Group Leader

Office: 1'708


+49 30 2093 82303


Helen Chrzanowski


Office: 1'708


+49 30 2093 82303

Sven, born and grown-up in Berlin and having studied physics at Humboldt-University moved to Vienna to join Anton Zeilinger’s group for his PhD and 1st PostDoc. After spending two years in the USA on his 2nd PostDoc with Alex Gaeta and Michal Lipson at Cornell University, he returned to Berlin to start this group at Humboldt-University, based on an Emmy-Noether Fellowship and now funded as an Einstein Junior Fellow. Sven is fascinated by everything that involves nonlinear optics and quantum photonics, its fundamental aspects as well as actually making it useful for something.







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Emma Pearce


Office: 1'612


+49 30 2093 82316


 Marlon Placke

PhD Student

Office: 1'612


+49 30 2093 82316

Emma, originally from the north east of England, began working in quantum during a Master's degree at the University of Sheffield. She then delved deeper into quantum imaging and nonlinear optics during her Ph.D. and postdoc at Imperial College London, followed by a short postdoc at the University of Glasgow. Emma is passionate about applying the weird and wonderful nature of quantum to real-world technologies, as well as communicating this to a wider audience.   Marlon was born and raised in Bremen where he also began his physics studies. After moving to the capitol, he finished his bachelor's and master's degree at the Technical University Berlin. He graduated in the group of Stephan Reitzenstein with a thesis on quasithermal and coherent excitation probing the resonance fluorescence of single quantum dots. Subsequently he joined the NIQO group to work in collaboration with the Ferdinand Braun Institute on integrated nonlinear quantum photonics. In the FBH-collaboration he took a leading role in the design, optimization and characterization of the waveguiding nanostructures and applied himself to an in-depth supervision of fabrication processes aka searching needles in haystacks. Furthermore, he is working on hyperspectral imaging with undetected photons as well as assisting other in-house experiments.



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Felix Mann

PhD Student

Office: 1'608


+49 30 2093-82314


Felipe Gewers

PhD Student

Office: 1'612


+49 30 2093 82316

Felix is ​​originally from Bavaria, studied in Göttingen and Oldenburg and came for his master thesis on microring resonators in silicon nitrite to the group. After that he continued with a PhD project on quantum frequency conversion with monolithic cavities made from bulk periodically-poled KTP. Felix likes to build tabletop experiments fitting on a small breadboard from scratch which make quantum phenomena tangible.

  Felipe is Brazilian, completed his master's degree and part of his PhD at the University of São Paulo. During his a PhD he worked on the design and construction of a quantum teleportation system in continuous variables between frequencies compatible with rubdium's D1 line (795nm) and the telecommunications’ L-band (1608nm). He joined the group to work with optical coherence tomography, and in the quantum frequency converter project. He is fascinated by experimentally investigating non-classical states of light, as well as their possible applications.




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Atta Sherwani

PhD Student

Office: 1'612


+49 30 2093 82316 


Anna Romanova

PhD Student




Meet Atta, a passionate physicist originally from Pakistan. His academic journey led him to pursue both his bachelor's and master's degrees in Turkey, with a background in solid-state physics. Fascinated by the intricacies of light, Atta delved into the world of quantum optics while working at a startup in Turkey. There, he was introduced to the captivating applications of quantum principles. Now, Atta is pursuing his Ph.D. in quantum sensing, focusing on quantum spectroscopy within the research group. He is thrilled to witness firsthand the practical applications of quantum mechanics unfolding before his eyes.




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Marthe Zeja

Master Student

Office: 1'605


+49 30 2093 82338


Theresa Kloß

Bachelor Student

Office: 1'605


+49 30 2093 82338

Marthe, born and grown up in Berlin, joined the group for her Bachelor's thesis. If time permits alongside her studies, she is working on a "sensing with undetected photons"-experiment for the F-Praktikum, is interested in optics design and will start her Master's thesis in spring. In addition to her work in the lab, Marthe supports the group in organisational activities and is always interested in lively teamwork.