Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mathematisch-Naturwissen­schaft­liche Fakultät - Graduiertenkolleg "Masse, Spektrum, Symmetrie"

Soft skills

As part of the Graduiertenkolleg, the TU Dresden & Humboldt University of Berlin offers access to a variety of opportunities to enhance soft skills and to help you prepare for giving lectures, requesting grants and job applications:


Programs available in Berlin:


Humboldt Graduate School

Trainings and classes on a wide variety of topics, such as presentations, job interviews, grand writing. The courses take place mostly in Berlin. GRK members from Dresden can also participate.


Berliner Zentrum für Hochschullehre

Part of the "Wissen schafft Zukunft" (Knowledge creates Future) project of the state of Berlin, This curriculum offers seminars on how to improve your teaching skills in German and English.



Programs available in Dresden:


Graduate Academy of the TU Dresden

Trainings for PhDs and postdocs to develop transferable skills and key competencies, available in Dresden.


"Fit für die Lehre"

Training for teaching, multimedia use, creativity, communication, leadership, scientific working and writing in Dresden (German program).


"Continuing Education in Teaching Competence and Soft Skills"

Training for teaching, multimedia use, creativity, communication, leadership, scientific working and writing in Dresden (English program).


Studium Fundamentale

A competitive program offered in Dresden, providing PhDs with the opportunity to learn about the key skills for managers over a year. Application deadline is the end of october.



Programs available in Berlin, Zeuthen, and Dresden:


Netzwerk Teilchenwelt

Network of German science institutions for astro-/particle physics communication to high school students and teachers, led by Dresden for particle physics and by DESY in Zeuthen for astroparticle physics. The "Netzwerk Teilchenwelt" organizes a yearly workshop for science communicators.