Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mathematisch-Naturwissen­schaft­liche Fakultät - Grundlagen der Optik und Photonik

Dünner als das Licht...


In der Forschungsgruppe "Grundlagen der Optik und Photonik" von  Arno Rauschenbeutel beschäftigen wir uns mit Glasfasern, deren Durchmesser geringer ist als die Wellenlänge des von Ihnen geführten Lichtes. Die besonderen Eigenschaften solcher Glasfasern ermöglichen es, diese als „Quantenlabor“ einzusetzen.

Wir bedanken uns für die finanzielle Unterstützung durch die Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung im Rahmen einer Alexander von Humboldt-Professur, gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.



Thursday, 2025-01-02

New group member


Dr. Johannes Piotrowski, has joined our group as a new PostDoc. He completed his PhD at the ETH Zürich in the group of Lukas Novotny. The topic of his thesis was multimode cavity optomechanics with levitated nanoparticles. Welcome to the group!

Thursday, 2025-01-02

New group member


Anton Bölian, has joined our group as a new PhD student. He completed his master thesis at the Universität Hamburg in the group of Andreas Hemmerich. The topic of his thesis was Cavity QED with ultracold atomic ensembles in the sub-recoil regime. Welcome to the group!

Thursday, 2024-11-07

Nobel Prize Laureate Alain Aspect visits our labs


The picture shows Alain Aspect (third from the right) together with our experimental team investigating photon-pair scattering from a single atom.

Monday, 2024-11-04

Paper on low-loss and broadband all-fiber acousto-optic circulator published


Our experimental realization of a low-loss and broadband all-fiber-based acousto-optic circulator has been published in Physical Review Applied.

Thursday, 2024-17-10

Paper on predicting correlations in superradiant emission from a cascaded quantum system published


Our theory work on predicting correlations in superradiant emission from a cascaded quantum system has been published as Editors' suggestion in Physical Review A.

Monday, 2024-10-07

New group member


Viola-Antonella Zeilberger has joined our group as a new master student working on our project with hot atomic vapors. Welcome to the group!

Tuesday, 2024-10-01

New group member


Dr. Antoine Glicenstein, has joined our group as a new PostDoc after completing his PhD at the Laboratoire Charles Fabry in Paris and a stay as postdoc in Nice in the group of Robin Kaiser. Welcome to the group!

Monday, 2024-07-22

Scott Parkins stays in our group as a guest scientist


Prof. Scott Parkins (University of Auckland, New Zealand) arrived today and will stay with us as a guest scientist until August, 30th.

Wednesday, 2024-07-10

Paper on breakdown of the Jaynes Cummings model for low-loss cavities published


Our theory work that shows that the Jaynes–Cummings model breaks down when the cavity geometry significantly reduces free-space emission has been published in the special issue "The Jaynes-Cummings Model: 60 Years and Still Counting" of Journal of the Optical Society of America B.

Monday, 2024-07-01

New group member


Dr. Hector Letellier, has joined our group as a new PostDoc. He completed his PhD at the Université Côte d'Azur in Nice in the group of Robin Kaiser. The topic of his thesis was Magneto-Optical trapping of Ytterbium on the 1S0 -> 1P1 transition. Welcome to the group!

Monday, 2024-07-01

New group member


Luca Göcke, has joined our group as a new PhD student. He completed his Master of Physics on the topic of Automation of the Characterization and Calibration of a 16 Qubit Chip. Welcome to the group!

Wednesday, 2024-04-03

Anulia Mykhaelian selected as Optica Woman Scholar 2024


Anulia Mykhaelian who works as student helper in our group has been selected to be one of the 20 Optica Woman Scholars in 2024. Congratulations!

Friday, 2024-02-16

Paper on observation of superradiant bursts in a cascaded quantum system published


Our work on the observation of superradiant bursts in a cascaded quantum system has been published in Physical Review X.

Thursday, 2024-02-01

New group member


Dr. Inna Kviatkovsky, has joined our group as a new PostDoc. She completed her PhD at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in the group of Sven Ramelow. The topic of her thesis was microscopy with undetected photons in the mid-infrared. Welcome to the group!

Monday, 2023-10-30

Paper on tailoring the photon statistics with an atom-based two-photon interferometer published


Our work on tailoring the photon statistics with an atom-based two-photon interferometer has been published in Physical Review Letters.

Sunday, 2023-10-01

Start of our BMBF joint project "NetiQueT"


Our new BMBF project "NetiQueT - Novel Source for Telecom Single Photons" started. The aim of the project is to develop a new type of single photon source where the underlying physical principle is the use of an atomic gas as a photon number-dependent filter. Partners in this joint project are the group of Tobias Heindel (TU-Berlin) and TOPTICA Photonics AG (associated).

Friday, 2023-09-08

Paper on light-matter interaction at the transition between cavity and waveguide QED published


Our work on the investigation of light-matter interaction at the transition between cavity and waveguide QED has been published in Physical Review Letters.

Friday, 2023-09-08

Paper on feedback cooling of the mechanical mode of an optical nanofiber published


Our work on feedback cooling the fundamental torsional mechanical mode of a tapered optical fiber to a temperature of 30 mK has been published in Physical Review A.

Freitag, 2023-09-01

New (old) group member


Jihao Jia finished his Masters project in our group and has now begun his PhD with us. Welcome (once again)!

Thursday, 2023-07-27

Paper on the simultaneous scattering of two photons by a single two-level atom published


Our work on the simultaneous scattering of two photons by a single two-level atom has been published in Nature Photonics.

Tuesday, 2023-07-18

Christian Liedl receives Lise-Meitner-Prize


Christian Liedl receives the Lise-Meitner-Prize for his PhD thesis on "Collective radiative effects in nanofiber-coupled atomic ensembles".

Monday, 2023-07-17

Lucas Pache receives visiting doctoral student grant


Lucas Pache receives a "Visiting Doctoral Student" grant from the Academy of Excellence (Complex Systems) of the Université Côte d'Azur in Nice for his proposal "Single photon source with 3D cold atomic ensembles". Congratulations.

Saturday, 2023-06-17

Outreach activity at "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften"


Martin Cordier, Daniel Lechner, Gabriele Maron, Luke Masters, Lucas Pache and Sofia Pazzagli presented experiments related to our work to the general public at "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften".

Friday, 2023-06-07

Paper on higher-order mean-field theory of chiral waveguide QED published


Our work on higher-order mean-field theory of chiral waveguide QED has been published in the Journal SciPost.

Friday, 2023-04-21

Paper on collective radiation from timed Dicke states to inverted ensembles published


Our work on the collective radiation of a cascaded quantum system - from timed Dicke states to inverted ensembles - has been published in the Journal Physical Review Letters.

Friday, 2023-03-24

PhD Defense


Christian Liedl was awarded his PhD in physics. He did his work on "Collective radiative effects in nanofiber-coupled atomic ensembles". Congratulations!

Thursday, 2023-02-23

Group retreat to Jagniatkow (Poland)


Farewell photo showing our group at our retreat to Jagniatkow (Poland).

Thursday, 2022-11-10

Paper on observation of oscillatory Raman gain published


Our work on the observation of oscillatory Raman gain associated with two-photon Rabi oscillations of nanofiber-coupled atoms has been published in Journal of Physics B

Tuesday, 2022-10-25

ERC Synergy Grant


The European Commission has announced support for our research on strong light-matter interaction of Rydberg super atoms with light guided in optical nanofibers. This project will be carried out in collaboration with the groups of Sebastian Hofferberth (University of Bonn) and Thomas Pohl (Aarhus University). See also the press release of Humboldt University in English and German.

Friday, 2022-10-21

Master Defense


Wanrong Li defended her Master thesis today. She worked on "Q-factor measurement of on-chip microdisk optical resonators".  Congratulations!

Monday, 2022-09-26

PhD Defense


Sebastian Pucher was awarded his PhD in physics. He did his work on "Non-reciprocal optical amplification and phase shifts in a nanofiber-based atom-light interface and a precise lifetime measurement of the cesium 5D5/2 state". Congratulations!

Wednesday, 2022-06-01

New group member


Constanze Bach has joined our group as a new PhD student. She completed her Master thesis on the topic of "Detection of a levitated particle's mechanical motion close to the Heisenberg limit" in the group of Markus Aspelmeyer. Welcome to the group!

Tuesday, 2022-05-17

Paper on the coherent coupling between super- and subradiant states published


Our work on the observation of coherent coupling between super- and subradiant states of an ensemble of nanofiber-coupled atoms has been published in Phys. Rev. Lett.

Monday, 2022-04-25

Paper on non-reciprocal Raman amplification published


Our work on spin-controlled non-reciprocal Raman amplification of fibre-guided light has been published in Nature Photonics.

Thursday, 2022-04-14

DPG International Round Table - (World Quantum Day 2022)


Arno Rauschenbeutel leads the round table discussion between pioneers and young scientists on the state of art of quantum physics. A video of the discussion is available here.

Monday, 2022-04-04

News&Views article on chiral quantum optics goes electric published


Our News&Views article on electrically controlled chiral waveguides has been published in Nature Photonics.

Friday, 2022-04-01

New (old) group member


Lucas Pache who did his Masters project in our group has now begun his PhD with us. Welcome (once again)!

Wednesday, 2022-03-16

PhD Defense


Elisa Will was awarded her PhD in physics. She did her work on "Coupling a single trapped atom to a whispering-gallery-mode microresonator". Congratulations!

Wednesday, 2022-02-16

Paper on dynamics of nanofiber-coupled atoms published


Our study on the collective radiative dynamics of an ensemble of nanofiber-coupled cold atoms has been published in Phy. Rev. Lett.

Thursday, 2022-02-10

Poster Award at WOMA 2022


Gabriele Maron won the best poster award at the 6th International Workshop on Microcavities and Their Applications (WOMA) 2022 for his poster on "Trapping a single atom in the evanescent field of a WGM-microresonator". Congratulations!

Friday, 2022-01-28

Paper on Cavity QED beyond the Tavis Cummings model published


Our study on Physics beyond the Tavis-Cummings model in cavity QED with ensembles of quantum emitters has been published in Phy. Rev. A.

Thursday, 2022-01-27

Master Defense


Lucas Pache defended his Master thesis today. He worked on the "Set-up, Characterization of an optical system to trap and transport single atoms in a cavity quantum electrodynamics experiment".  Congratulations!

Wednesday, 2021-12-08

Paper on Nanofiber-Induced Losses Inside an Optical Cavity published


Our study on cavity losses that are introduced by optical nanofibers has been published in Phy. Rev. Applied.

Thursday, 2021-11-04

Berlin PostDoc Day


Aleksei Tsarapkin, Martin Cordier and Maximilian Schemmer have been selected to present their work at the Berlin science week at the interdisciplinary PostDoc Day 2021. Congratulations to Martin Cordier & Maximilian Schemmer who were awarded prizes for their talk and poster!

Friday, 2021-10-15

Bachelor Defense


Charlotta Gurr defended her Bachelor thesis today. She worked on the "Construction of a two-color Doppler-free laser frequency stabilization for quantum optics application". Congratulations!

Thursday, 2021-10-14

Paper on Bagg scattering of nanofiber-trapped atoms published


Our work on Bragg condition for scattering into a guided optical modes has been published in Phy. Rev. A.

Tuesday, 2021-09-14

Paper on unraveling two-photon entanglement via the squeezing spectrum published


Our work on unraveling two-photon entanglement by analyzing the squeezing spectrum of light traveling through nanofiber-coupled atoms has been published in Physical Review Letters.

Monday, 2021-07-05

New group member


Dr. Felix Tebbenjohanns has joined our group as a new PostDoc. He completed his PhD at ETH Zürich in the group of Lukas Novotny, on the topic of linear feedback cooling of a levitated nanoparticle in free space. Welcome to our group!

Friday, 2021-06-11

Paper on trapping a single atom at a WGM resonator published


Our work on coupling a single trapped atom to a whispering-gallery-mode microresonator has been published in Physical Review Letters.

Thursday, 2021-04-22

Paper on probing surface-bound atoms published


Our work on probing the motional quantum states of surface-bound atoms has been published in Physical Review Letters. A video about the paper contents can be found here.

Wednesday, 2021-04-21

PhD Defense


Martin Blaha was awarded his PhD in physics. He did his work on " Multimode strong coupling of cold atoms to a fiber ring resonator including a nanofiber-based optical interface". Congratulations!

Monday, 2021-03-01

Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship


Dr. Martin Cordier was awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship on the topic of realizing an atomic vapor-based turnstile device for single photons. Congratulations!

Tuesday, 2021-02-09

Paper on atoms coupled to super-extended nanofiber modes published


Our work on super-extended nanofiber modes that interact with hot atoms has been published in Optica.

Thursday, 2020-12-24

Merry Christmas and a happy new year


Atoms in our magneto optical trap (MOT) celebrating the holidays.

Friday, 2020-12-18

PhD Defense


Yijan Meng was awarded his PhD in physics. He did his work on "Spin-motion coupling of nanofiber-trapped atoms and its applications". Congratulations!

Wednesday, 2020-12-16

Paper on slow-light-enhanced optical imaging with subangstrom precision published


Our work on optical imaging of microfiber radius variations with subangstrom precision using slow light has been published in Physical Review Applied.

Monday, 2020-12-14

Book chapter on cavity quantum electrodynamics and chiral quantum optics published


Our book chapter on cavity quantum electrodynamics and chiral quantum optics has been published on the archive. The full book is linked here.

Monday, 2020-11-09

New group member


Gabriele Maron has joined our group as a new PhD student. He completed his Master of Physics  on the topic of development of innovative fiber-based dosimetry solutions. Welcome to the group!

Monday, 2020-11-02

Arno Rauschenbeutel is a Falling Walls Winner 2020!

Falling Walls Winner.png

Tune in to the #WinnersSession on 6 November at 1:15 p.m. CET and see all Top 10 winners presenting their breakthrough in the category Physical Sciences.

Thursday, 2020-10-29

PhD Defense


Adarsh Prasad was awarded his PhD in physics. He did his work on "Generating correlations between photons via interaction with nanofiber-trapped atoms". Congratulations!

Friday, 2020-10-16

Paper on the interaction signatures and non-Gaussian photon states from a strongly driven atomic ensemble published


Our work on interaction signatures and non-Gaussian photon states from a strongly driven atomic ensemble has been published in Phys. Rev. A 102, 043711 (2020).

Monday, 2020-10-21

Paper on the collective nonlinear response of nanofiber-coupled atoms published


Our work on correlating photons using the collective nonlinear response of nanofiber-coupled atoms has been published in Nature Photonics. See also our press release.

Tuesday, 2020-09-01

New group member


Dr. Xinxin Hu has joined our group as a new PostDoc. She completed her PhD at the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, in the group of Changling Zou. The topic of her thesis was trapping and interfacing cold and thermal atoms with micro- and nanophotonic structures. Welcome to the group!

Monday, 2020-08-10

New group member


Dr. Shuwei Jin has joined our group as a new PostDoc. He completed his PhD at Ecole Normale Supérieur at Paris in the group of Christophe Salomon on the topic of setting up a new generation experiment for the study of strongly interacting Fermi gases. Welcome to the group!

Friday, 2020-07-31

Paper on the imaging of individual atoms along the nanofiber published


Our work on imaging individual atoms trapped in the evanescent field of a nanofiber has been published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 053603 (2020)

Thursday, 2020-07-02

About our work online


Arno Rauschenbeutel talks about our research at the Quantum Science Seminar. The video is available on youtube.

Monday, 2020-06-01

New group member


Daniel Lechner has joined our group as a new PhD student. He completed his Master of Science in Optics & Photonics on the topic of Development of a Shack-Hartmann Sensor based on adaptable diffractive lens arrays. Welcome to the group!

Monday, 2020-04-27

Paper on the measurement of the lifetime of the Cs 52D5/2-state published


Our work on the precise lifetime measurement of the cesium 52D5/2 state, has been published in Phys. Rev. A 101, 042510 (2020)

Thursday, 2020-03-06

Paper on nanofiber-based microresonator for cryogenic applications published


Our work on cryo-compatible nanofiber-based microresonators, has been published in
Opt. Expr. 28, 3249 (2020)

Monday, 2020-03-02

New group member


Dr. Riccardo Pennetta has joined our group as a PostDoc. He completed his PhD at the Max-Planck Institute for the science of light, in the group of Philip Russell. Welcome to the group!

Monday, 2020-03-02

Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship


Dr. Max Schemmer was awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship on the topic of realizing a quantum memory with exponentially improved performance. Congratulations!

Monday, 2020-01-13

Our work on ARD alpha


Arno Rauschenbeutel talks about our research in the series Campus Talks on ARD alpha. The video is avaiable in the mediathek.

Wednesday, 2019-12-11

Paper on Superstrong coupling published


Our work on collective superstrong coupling of atoms to a 30-m long resonator, has been published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 243602 (2019)

Monday, 2019-12-02

New group member


Dr. Martin Cordier has joined our group as a PostDoc. He completed his PhD at Université Paris-Saclay, in the group of Isabelle Zaquine working photon-pair generation in hollow-core photonic-crystal fibers. Welcome to the group!

Friday, 2019-11-15

Paper on Heating in nanophotonic atom traps published


Our work on Heating in nanophotonic traps for cold atoms, a collaboration with the group of Oriol Romero-Isart from Innsbruck, has been published in Phys. Rev. X 9, 041034 (2019).

Monday, 2019-11-11

PhD Defense


Jakob Hinney was awarded his PhD in physics. He did his work on "Generation of squeezed light with nanofiber-trapped atoms". Congratulations!

Wednesday, 2019-10-16

Our work at the HU Podcast


Arno Rauschenbeutel talks about Quantum Photonics on Podcampus.

Thursday, 2019-07-18

Arrival in Berlin


Our group is now located at the Humboldt-University zu Berlin! 

Montag, 2019-05-27

PhD Defense


Stefan Walser was awarded his PhD in physics. He did his work on "Spin-Orbit Interaction in Optical Imaging". Congratulations!

Montag, 2019-04-01

New group member


Dr. Maximilian Schemmer has joined our group as a PostDoc. He completed his PhD at Institute d'Optique, Paris, in the group of Isabelle Bouchoule working on Bose-Einstein-Condensates trapped on an atom chip. Welcome to the group!

Mittwoch, 2019-03-20

Quantum Kate video on Entanglement online


We have provided scientific input for the YouTube channel 'Quantum Kate' for a video on entanglement. Follow the link to see the clip.

Donnerstag, 2019-01-24

Dissertation Prize


Dr. Michael Scheucher was awarded the 2018 dissertation prize of the city of Vienna for his PhD thesis "Single-atom cavity quantum electrodynamics with whispering-gallery-modes: Single-photon nonlinearity and nonreciprocity". Congratulations!

Mittwoch, 2019-01-16

New group member


Dr. Sofia Pazzagli has joined our group as a PostDoc and will be working on the molecules experiment. She completed her PhD at LENS, Florence, under the supervision of Constanza Toninelli working on organic nanocrystals and polymeric waveguides followed by PostDoc work at the National Institute of Optics, Florence, working on the integration of fluorescent molecules with lithographic techniques. Welcome to the group!

Freitag, 2018-11-09

New (old) group member


Sebastian Pucher finished his Masters project in our group and has now begun his PhD with us. Welcome (once again)!

Freitag, 2018-10-26

Paper on optical localization errors published


Our work on optical localization errors related to spin-orbit coupling, a collaboration with the group of Rainer Blatt from Innsbruck, has been published as an advance publication in Nature Physics 15, 17 (2019).

Donnerstag, 2018-09-06

Paper on near-ground-state-cooling published


Our work on 'Near-Ground-State Cooling of Atoms Optically Trapped 300 nm Away from a Hot Surface' was published in Phys. Rev. X 8, 031054.

Dienstag, 2018-08-28

Position at Humboldt University accepted


Arno Rauschenbeutel has accepted a position as Professor at Humboldt University in Berlin and has been awarded an Alexander-von-Humboldt Grant by the Humboldt Foundation. Follow the link for the HU press release and an introductory video on our research.

Montag, 2018-08-20

ErBeSta website online


The website of our ErBeStA (Error-Proof Bell-State Analyser) collaboration is now online:

Donnerstag, 2018-08-09

Cold-atom-based implementation of the quantum Rabi model


Our paper 'Cold-atom-based implementation of the quantum Rabi model' was published in Phys. Rev. A 98, 021801(R)