Dr. Mykhaylo P. Semtsiv
office: R 3'611
e-mail: semtsiv ( a ) physik.hu-berlin.de
Tel. +49 30 2093 7919
Newtonstr. 15
12489 Berlin
Research Interests
III-V semiconductor processing technology, Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Quantum Cascade Lasers, Physics of Intersubband Devices, Infrared Spectroscopy.
Current Research Projects
High-Efficiency Mid Infra-Red Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCLs)
Broad-Gain Active Zone Design for Widely Tunable External Cavity QCLs
Buried-Heterostructure Laser Fabrication by Gas-Source MBE
Compensated Semiconductor Heterostructures for THz Receivers and Emitters
Photovoltaic III-V Intersubband Devices for Tandem Solar Cells
THz lasing without inversion based on quantum coherence between intersubband transitions
Publications: See my Google Scholar Citations profile