Open Positions
We currently offer several projects for Bachelor's and Master's theses. If you are interested, please send us an email and come along for a lab tour!
- Master thesis project:
Entangled photons for quantum networks from a lithium tantalate waveguide
- Master thesis project:
III-V-on-insulator waveguide design for single photon nonlinearities
- B.Sc. / M. Sc. thesis project:
Verschränkten Photonen in optischen Chips erzeugen?
- B.Sc. / M. Sc. thesis project:
Mit verschränkten Photonen Mikroplastik, Gewebeproben, Keramik oder Fingerabdrücke untersuchen?
- B.Sc. / M. Sc. thesis project:
Integrated quantum photonics workstations for QKD applications
- Bachelor thesis project:
Hyperspecral Imaging techniques for mid-IR histology