Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Optical Metrology

Open Positions

We welcome inquiries for Postdocs, Ph.D. students, visiting students, and visiting scientists joining our team. Various positions may become available at any time. Interested candidates should contact Prof. Achim Peters, Ph.D. (achim.peters (at)


Research Assistant / Postdoc- / Ph.D. positions


Postdoc position in the BECCAL Project available - Application until 27/09/2023

Postdoc position in the MAIUS Project available

PhD position in the MAIUS Project available


Joint Lab Integrated Quantum Sensors (Dr. Markus Krutzik, markus.krutzik (at) has several openings in the areas of strontium optical lattice clocks for space application, thermal beam atom interferometry, EIT based velocimeter and BEC interferometery in microgravity, see


Bachelor / Master theses


Master / Bachelor Theses on quantum sensors with strontium atoms for space applications:



Master thesis on Atom interferometry for geodetic applications and tests of quantum mechanics (pdf, english)


Bachelor thesis: Cryogenic photodetector (pdf, english)


Master thesis: cryogenic optical resonator (pdf, german)

Master thesis: tests of the lorentz invariance (pdf, german)




We currently have no open SHK positions.




We don't have any internship positions at the moment.