Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mathematisch-Naturwissen­schaft­liche Fakultät - Experimentelle Elementarteilchenphysik


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The SND@LHC (Scattering and Neutrino Detector at the LHC) is an innovative experiment approved in March 2021 and operational since 2022. Located near the ATLAS interaction point at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), it focuses on detecting neutrinos produced in high-energy proton-proton collisions.

Exploring High-Energy Neutrinos

SND@LHC aims to study neutrinos of all three flavors—electron, muon, and tau—in an energy range from a few hundred GeV to several TeV. This energy spectrum, previously unexplored, bridges the gap between low-energy and ultra-high-energy neutrino observations, contributing significantly to both particle and astroparticle physics​ (​​ (APS Link Manager)​.

Investigating Dark Matter

Additionally, SND@LHC searches for light dark matter particles potentially produced in LHC collisions. This research is crucial for understanding the properties and existence of dark matter, a fundamental yet largely undetected component of the universe​ (CERN)​.

For more information and updates, please refer to our official publications.

Research Topics

Muon detector


Together with the universities of Bologna, Lausanne, Mainz, and Zürich, we are engaged in the construction and operation of the muon detector, which also serves as a hadron calorimeter. The muon detector is based on plastic scintillators viewed by silicon photomultipliers.

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In the analysis, we will analyse deep-inelastic scattering events of muon neutrinons and will search for light dark matter particles with couplings to vector mediators via the baryonic current.


  • After design, construction, and test of the SND@LHC muon detector in the CERN SPS testbeam area H8 in fall 2021:      

     the detector was successfully installed in December 2021 in LHC TI18:



Group members

   PhD students    

      Andrew Conaboy

      Anupama Reghunath

      Eduard Ursov

   Master students

      Tilly Smith


Publications & Links



SND@LHC: Technical Proposal