- Date: 29.09 - 02.10. 09
- Location: Berlin-Adlershof, Newtonstrasse 15, Room
(Lise-Meitner Haus, Gerthsen Hoersaal) -
Lecturer Topic Karl Jakobs Physics at Hadron Colliders - from Tevatron to the LHC Tom Gaisser Astro Particle Physics Lance Dixon Field Theory and Collider Physics -
Time (s.t.)Tuesday
02.10.09:00 -11:00 Gaisser Jakobs Dixon Gaisser 11:00 -13:00 Jakobs Dixon Gaisser Dixon 14:00 -16:00 Jakobs Jakobs Dixon Gaisser 16:00 -18:00 Presentations Presentations Presentations Presentations
In the sessions called presentations the students of the Graduate School will report about their thesis (about 20 min. per talk).
Presentations - Tuesday 29.09.
Jana Schaarschmidt Search for b-quarks associated MSSM Higgs decaying to tau pairs with ATLAS Marek Schoenherr NLO Event Generation with Sherpa Holger Schulz Underlying Event measurements with first LHC Data Benedict Biedermann Efficient computing of one-loop amplitudes -
Presentations - Wednesday 30.09.
Rocco Mandrysh Search for a 4th generation of quarks Valentina Ferrara Top Quark Cross Sections at ATLAS Ralf Sattler On-shell methods and NLO calculations Jim Kallarackal Higgs Yukava Model on the lattice -
Presentations - Thursday 01.10.
Florian Burger Finite Temperature QCD with twisted mass fermions Theodor Schuster Scattering Amplitudes in Gauge Theorie Andreas Rodigast Gravitational Renormalization in Large Extra Dimensions Xu Feng Lattice study of pion pion scattering -
Presentations - Friday 02.10.
Marina Marinkovic Fundamental parameters of QCD from non-perturbative methods Jenifer Gonzalez The Chirally rotated Schroedinger Functional Valery Yundin 5-point integrals and Mellin-Branes method Marcus Petschliess alpha_s, m_c and the muon g-2 from lattice QCD