Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mathematisch-Naturwissen­schaft­liche Fakultät - Graduiertenkolleg "Masse, Spektrum, Symmetrie"

Summer Term 2016

GRK1504/2 Lectures

Lectures at HU Berlin

18.04. - 23.07.2016, Campus Adlershof

Title Lecturer Type Time Venue
Astroparticle Physics E. Bernardini Lecture Mon 9-11 NEW 14 3'12

M. Hütten

Exercises Mon 11-12 NEW 14 3'12
Statistical methods of data analysis M. Kowalski Lecture Tue 13-15 NEW 15 2'102

M. Kowalski

Exercises Tue 12-13 NEW 15 2'102
Integrable Modelle


Lecture Tue 13-15 ZGW 6 2'21


Exercises Thu 9-11, bi-weekly ZGW 6 2'21
Fields and String Seminar

Forini, Fredenhagen, Plefka, Staudacher

Seminar Wed 13-15 ZGW 6 2'07
Physik exotischer Quarks und Higgs-Bosonen H. Lacker Seminar Mon 13-15 NEW 15 2'101
Forschungsseminar: Physik mit dem SHiP-Experiment H. Lacker Seminar Thu 11-13 NEW 15 3'101


Lectures at TU Dresden

04.04.2016 - 16.07.2016

Map of ITKP Campus

Explanation of Standard Class Times at TUD

Title Lecturer Type Time Venue
Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik A. Straessner Lecture MO 6.DS PHY/B214
    Lecture FR 4.DS (every even week) PHY/B214
  T. Robens Tutorial FR 4.DS (every odd week) PHY/B214
Supersymmetry and Beyond the Standard Model Physics D. Stöckinger Lecture MO(4) ASB/328
Quantum Field Theory II D. Stöckinger Lecture MO(3)  DO(4)

SE2/122 ASB/114

  D. Stöckinger Tutorial MI(4) SE2/102
Physics of Particle Detectors K. Zuber Lecture MO(5)


  K. Zuber Tutorial MI(6) ugW ASB/328
Nuclear Astrophysics K. Zuber Lecture DI(3)


  K. Zuber Tutorial FR(2) ugW ASB/328