Sleep Medicine in Cardiology – Advances in diagnosis and
We would like to cordially invite you to attend our international
Sleep Medicine Symposium 2010. The symposium
will take place on the 300th anniversary of the Charité, the
200th anniversary of the Humboldt University, and 20 years
after the Interdisciplinary Center of Sleep Medicine at the
Charité first came into existence. The symposium will be held
from 14 – 15 May in the Berlin Medical Association’s historical
auditorium in the Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus, Luisenstr. 58/59,
10117 Berlin.
We have invited prominent international scientists to the
symposium who, in recent years, have managed to produce
forward-looking results for sleep medicine and sleep research.
In this symposium we want to focus in particular on the
important role of sleep medicine in cardiology. This shows up
in new findings on the significance of sleep disorders for the
pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases. For this reason,
during the symposium, progress in modern diagnostics for
sleep related breathing disorders using very new methods in
statistical physics will be presented as well as those generally
available in cardiology. On the basis of new studies, the
significance of sleep disorders for arterial hypertension, cardiac
arrhythmias, heart failure and arteriosclerosis will also be
presented. The latest therapy guidelines will be introduced and
perspectives for new potential therapies will be highlighted.
The scope of the symposium will not be confined to sleep
medicine in cardiology, it will also justify the claim that
sleep medicine is a cross-cutting discipline with a highly
interdisciplinary approach. New advances in physiology,
neurology, otolaryngology, and the role of sleep medicine in
preventative medicine, will also be shown.
With the symposium we want to continue with the more casual
series of small international sleep research and sleep medicine
symposia, highlighting the forward-looking lectures given by
sleep clinicians carrying out topical research, and whose new
data and concepts are often unpublished.
We are expecting around 200 to 250 participants at the
symposium and all participants are invited to register their
contributions for a poster presentation.
There will be an industrial exhibition in the foyer of the
Prof. Dr. Thomas Penzel |
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Ingo Fietze |