Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mathematisch-Naturwissen­schaft­liche Fakultät - International Research Training Group 1740


IRTG 1740 and its work:



During the last decade, networks with complex topology have become a very powerful approach for understanding large complex systems in various fields of applications ranging from Neuroscience, via Engineering to Sociology and Economy. So far, most studies have concentrated on fixed topology, i.e. were strongly restricted in their applicability. Therefore, we intend to study in this IRTG principles of self-organization in evolving complex networks. To bring these principles closer to various applications, we will in addition investigate the influence of heterogeneity in the network structure, multiscale time delays and stochasticity. These theoretical studies will be intimately connected with the investigation of experimental and natural dynamical networks of increasing complexity starting from lasers, via hybrid networks of neurons to the Earth system. The latter one is a special challenge for the network theory and it will be a focus of this IRTG. In this context, the main topic will be to understand the f unctioning of the Earth´s subsystems under changing conditions, especially global warming and deforestation in Amazonia.


A key goal of this interdisciplinary IRTG will be to develop a structured PhD program which will enable young researchers to work in network theory as well as across various fields of network applications. It comprises education on modern theoretical concepts and training on network applications, even involving “hands-on” experience with the corresponding experiments. The training program includes dual supervision of each student, annual schools, workshops and on-site learning, but innovative forms of learning and communication such as teleconferences, e-learning, or wikiversity will be extensively used too. Special emphasis will be devoted to soft skills education by making use of the Humboldt Graduate School and the University of São Paulo.

Based on the complementary expertise of the participants from the German (Humboldt University at Berlin [HUB] and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research [PIK]) and Brazilian (University of São Paulo [USP] and Natioanl Space Institute for Space Research [INPE]) teams and on the various common activities from subgroups of both sides in the past, we will establish this multidisciplinary IRTG consisting of physicists, mathematicians, climatologists, biologists and geographers.


Start of the IRTG: October 1, 2011

DFG-Graduiertenkolleg - GRK 1740

FAPESP Thematic Research Project - 2015/50122-0

For further details, please visit the

List of projects



Please not that the IRTG 1740 project ended on December 31st 2020.
Therefore, there are no open positions and further activities.