Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mathematisch-Naturwissen­schaft­liche Fakultät - International Research Training Group 1740

Study within the IRTG

The ultimate goal of the IRTG/TRP is to prepare its graduates for either an academic or professional career in the most profound and quickest way possible. Besides a stimulating and challenging research environment this requires formal training within the accompanying integrated study program. Due to close collaboration between theorists and experimentalists both working in the laboratory and performing field observations, the doctoral researchers will get exposed to a broad spectrum of techniques and approaches. This breadth is also mirrored in an integrated study program combining courses on fundamental topics of theory and experiment and on data analysis.
The interdisciplinary character of the proposed IRTG/TRP implies quite different backgrounds of the students entering the program, and a necessity of an individual approach to each of them. The most probable backgrounds are:

  • Physics (theoretical and experimental)
  • Earth Sciences (geography, geophysics, meteorology)
  • Mathematical Biosciences
  • Applied Mathematics

The educational aim of the proposed IRTG/TRP can only be achieved under close and constant communication between the students and researchers from different disciplines, learning each other's language, methods and approaches. The establishing of a common background and learning to speak a common language is impossible without an active learning process. Such a process not only includes learning by doing, as atypical postgraduate education, but also implies attending courses and doing exercises.