Student Government Physics
In the Student Government Physics (Fachschaftsinitiative Physik), people work voluntarily for the student body (Fachschaft). The student body (Fachschaft) are all students of the department.
They enrich the daily life of the students with breakfast, frequent events and a lounge for learning and relaxing. They are also contact persons for the institutions of academic self-administration. The weekly meeting is public. Everyone can participate and get involved.
Website of the Student Government Physics (Fachschaftsinitiative Physik)
Email Address
Fachschaftsinitiative Physik
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Physik
Fachschaft Physik
Newtonstraße 15
12489 Berlin
Room 1'108 (first floor, middle corridor)
Institut für Physik
Newtonstraße 15 (NEW 15)
12489 Berlin