International conferences
DPG Spring Meeting Condensed Matter Section, Berlin
TCO2024 - Transparent Conductive Oxides - International Conference, Universität Leipzig
3rd International Heraeus-Workshop, "Transverse Effects in Thermoelectric Systems"
DPG Spring Meeting Condensed Matter Section, Dresden
KPS Spring Meeting, Daejeon, Korea
25th International Conference on the Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems (EP2DS-25)
6th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF)
Deep Material Futures, Berlin, Germany
Forum Wissenschaftkommunikation 2022, Hanover, Germany
EMFL Summer School, Kerkrade, Netherlands
2nd Helmholtz Quantum Conference, Berlin, Germany
Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria
DPG-Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM), Regensburg, Germany
Virtual 84th Annual Meeting of the DPG and DPG Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM)
Helmholtz-Symposium 2021, PTB Berlin, Germany
IKZ Sommerschule "Oxides for Electronic Applications"
2020 Joint Conference of the Condensed Matter Divisions of EPS (CMD) and RSEF (GEFES)
17th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ECT2019), Limassol, Cyprus
38th Inernational Conference Thermoelectrics (ICT2019), Gyengju, Korea
Spring Conference of DPG, 2019, Regensburg, Germany
Symposium on Magnetic Excitations in Semiconductors, Buffalo, USA
International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS), Montpellier, France
Spring Conference of DPG, 2018, Berlin, Deutschland
Spring Confrence of DPG, 2017, Dresden, Germany
EP2DS-22 & MSS-18, Penn State, USA
Thermoelectrics Colloquium, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, Berlin, Germany
German-Japanese Gallium Oxide Technology Meeting 2016, Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth (IKZ), Germany
ICPS 2016, 33rd International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Beijing, China
WE-Heraeus Seminar "Electrons and phonons: Interfaces and interactions", Bad Honnef, Germany
Spring Conference of the DPG, 2016, Regensburg, Germany
ICONN 2016, International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Canberra, Australia
Autumn School Thermoelectrics, University of Duisberg-Essen, Germany
EP2DS & MSS-17, Sendai, Japan
International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials, Paris, France
ICT & ECT, 2015, Dresden, Germany
Energy Harvesting & Storage Europe, Berlin, Germany
Spring Conference of the DPG, 2015, Berlin, Germany
MRS Fall Meeting, 2014, Boston, USA
ENGE Conference, 2014, Jeju, Korea
DFG SPP1386 Thermoelektrics-Workshop, 2014, Seoul, Korea
QUINST International Workshop, 2014, Bilbao, Spain
ICPS, 2014, Austin, Texas, USA
New Trends in Topological Insulators (NTTI), 2014, Berlin, Germany
Spring Conference of the DPG, 2014, Dresden, Germany
Sino-German Frontiers of Science Symposium (SINOGFOS), 2014, Kunming, China
DFG SPP 1386 Status Meeting, 2014, Bad Aussee, Austria
International Symposium and SPP1285-Status-Workshop, 2013, Würzburg, Germany
EP2DS Conference, 2013, Wrocław, Poland
Kick-off Workshop - New states of matter and their excitations, 2013, Berlin, Germany
Wilhelm-und-Else-Heraeus-Seminar "Thermal Transport at the Nanoscale", 2013, Bad Honnef, Germany
Spring Conference of the DPG, 2013, Regensburg, Germany
DFG SPP 1386 Nanostructured Thermoelectrics: Status Meeting, 2013, Diez (Lahn), Germany
DFG SPP 1666 – Peer assessment, 2013, Berlin, Germany
DFG SPP 1285, Mini-Workshop "0,7-Annomalie in Quantopunktkontakten", 2012, Munich, Germany
DFG SPP 1666 Topological insulators, networking session, 2012, Frankfurt, Germany
DFG SPP 1386, ThermoNW-Project meeting, 2012, Berlin, Germany
DFG SPP 1386, ThermoQW-Project meeting, 2012, Berlin, Germany
Spring Conference of the DPG, 2012, Berlin, Germany
DFG SPP 1285 2nd Novel Material Symposium, Berlin, Germany
DFG SPP 1386, Workshop "Thermoelectric Measurements", Kaub, Germany
DFG SPP 1386 – Peer assessment for the 2nd funding period, 2012, Bad Honnef, Germany
Perspectives in Terahertz Spectroscopy with Neutrons, International Workshop, 2011, Berlin, Germany
DFG SPP 1386, networking session, 2011, Düsseldorf, Germany
Nanoelectronics Workshop, 2011, Bochum, Deutschland
DFG SPP 1386, ThermoQW-Project meeting, 2011, Hamburg, Germany
DFG SPP 1386, ThermoNW-Project meeting, 2011, Freiburg, Germany
EP2DS Konferenz, 2011, Florida, USA
DFG SPP 1386 Nanostructured Thermoelectrics: Status Meeting, 2011, Wittenberg, Germany
DFG SPP 1285 Mini-Workshop, 2011
Spin Caloritronics III, 2011, Leiden, Netherlands
MRS Spring meeting 2011, San Francisco, USA
Spring conference of the DPG, 2011, Dresden, Germany
DFG SPP 1285 - Peer assessment for the 3rd funding period, 2011, Bad Honnef, Germany
DFG SPP 1285 - Semiconductor-Spintronic Status meeting, 2010
ICPS 2010 "30th Int. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductors", Seoul, Korea
SFB491 International Workshop on "Ferromagnet-Semiconductor Hybrids", 2010, Bochum, Germany
Energy Harvesting for Wireless Automation, 2010, Munich, Germany
Spring conference of the DPG, 2010, Regensburg, Germany
Thermoelectric Winterschool - SPP1386 "Nanostructured Thermoelectrics" 2010, Bremen, Germany
Gordon Godfrey Workshop, 2009, Sydney, Australia
50 Years Aharonov-Bohm-Effect, Intl. Symposium, 2009, Tel Aviv, Israel
EDISON-16, 2009, Montpellier, France
EP2DS-18, 2009, Kobe, Japan