Suggested Reading
Arnold Sommerfeld
Vorlesungen über Theoretische Physik: I. Mechanik
1947, Akademische Verlagegesellschaft Becker und Erler
Original German edition
Lectures on Theoretical Physics: I. Mechanics
1953, Academic Press.
Table of contents:
1. Mechanics of a Particle
2. Mechanics of Systems, Principle of Virtual Work, and d'Alembert's Principle
3. Oscillation Problems
4. The Rigid Body
5. Relative motion
6. Integral Variational Principles of Mechanics and Lagrange's Equations For Generalized Coordinates
Max Born
Vorlesungen über Atommechanik
1925, Julius Springer Verlag (Berlin)
Table of contents:
1. Einleitung Physikalische Grundlagen
2. Hamilton-Jacobische Theorie
3. Periodische und mehrfach periodische Bewegungen
4. Systeme mit einem Leuchtelektron
5. Störungstheorie
David Bohm
Quantum Theory
1951, New York: Prentice Hall
Table of contents:
1. Physical formulation of the quantum theory
2. Mathematical formulation of the quantum theory
3. Applications to simple systems. Further extensions of quantum theory formulation
4. Methods of approximate solution of Schrödinger’s equation
5. Theory of scattering
6. Quantum theory of the process of measurement
Richard Feynman & Albert Hibbs
Quantum mechanics and path integrals
1965, New York: McGraw-Hill
Table of contents:
1. The fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics
2. The quantum-mechanical law of motion
3. Developing the concepts with special examples
4. The Schrödinger description of quantum mechanics
5. Measurements and operators
6. The perturbation method in quantum mechanics
7. Transition elements
8. Harmonic oscillators
9. Quantum electrodynamics
10. Statistical mechanics
11. The variational method
12. Other problems in probability
Albert Einstein, Hendrik Lorentz, Hermann Weyl, Hermann Minkowski
Das Relativitätsprinzip
1922, Springer Fachmedien
Original German edition.
The Principle of Relativity
1952, Dover Publications
Table of contents:
1. "Michelson's Interference Experiment" (H. A. Lorentz)
2. "Electromagnetic Phenomena in a System Moving with any Velocity Less than that of Light" (H. A. Lorentz)
3. "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies" (A. Einstein)
4. "Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon its Energy-Content?" (A. Einstein)
5. "Space and Time" (H. Minkowski)
6. "On the Influence of Gravitation on the Propagation of Light" (A. Einstein)
7. "The Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity" (A. Einstein)
8. "Hamilton's Principle and the General Theory of Relativity" (A. Einstein)
9. "Cosmological Considerations on the General Theory of Relativity" (A. Einstein)
10. "Do Gravitational Fields Play an Essential Part in the Structure of the Elementary Particles of Matter?" (A. Einstein)
11. "Gravitation and Electricity" (H. Weyl)
Leonard Susskind & Art Friedman
The Theoretical Minimum: What You Need to Know to Start Doing Physics
2013, Basic Books
“How does the Lorentz force arise? What do fields have to do with particles? Why is gauge invariance different? Leonard Susskind and Art Friedman do not explain everything there is to know about special relativity and electrodynamics - but everything important. With this book, avid physics amateurs get the maths and formulas they need for a real understanding. The authors use witty and helpful dialogue, basic exercises and crystal-clear explanations to present special relativity and electrodynamics as simply as possible, but no simpler.”