Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Department of Physics

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences | Department of Physics | Colloquium | Colloquia | Department Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Jens Biegert (The Institute of Photonic Sciences, ICFO, Barcelona, Spain)

Department Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Jens Biegert (The Institute of Photonic Sciences, ICFO, Barcelona, Spain)

Lecture on: "Attosecond physics at the extremes: Imaging with a single electron and following charge dynamics in solids"
  • When Nov 14, 2017 from 03:15 to 05:00
  • Where Lise-Meitner-Haus, Christian-Gerthsen-Hörsaal, Newtonstraße 15, 12489 Berlin
  • iCal

Department Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Jens Biegert (The Institute of Photonic Sciences, ICFO, Barcelona, Spain) will speak about "Attosecond physics at the extremes: Imaging with a single electron and following charge dynamics in solids".


Electron recollision in an intense laser field is at the centre of attoscience research and gives rise to a variety of phenomena, ranging from electron diffraction to coherent soft X-ray emission. We have, over the years, developed intense sources of waveform controlled mid-IR light to exploit ponderomotive scaling, quantum diffusion and quasi-static photo emission. I will describe our recent achievements to image a molecule with one of its own electrons while a bond breaks and report on the generation of isolated attosecond pulses in the soft X-ray water window (284 - 530 eV) and how we can follow a material’s excitation in real time.