Lecture on: "Mid-Infrared Quantum Imaging and Spectroscopy"
Lecture on: "Fluctuation-induced phenomena in equilibrium and nonequilibrium systems"
Lecture on: "How the ideas of soft matter physics help us understand cellular organization"
Lecture on: "Quantum optics with trapped ions – from single ion heat engines to ions in vortex laser fields"

Lecture on: "Towards imaging of single impurities in silicon"
Lecture on: "Phase Change Materials by Design: The Mystery of Resonance Bonding"
Lecture on: "Measuring the World - Precision Measurements of Fundamental Properties of Atoms and Nuclei"
Lecture on: Metamaterials
Lecture on: "Molecular movies using X-ray lasers"
Lecture on: "Understanding structure/processing/property interrelationships in electron/ion mixed-conductors"
Lecture on: "Testing fundamental symmetries and looking for dark matter with magnetic resonance and atomic spectroscopy"
Lecture on: "Die Selbstgespräche des Higgs Bosons - Higgs Self-Coupling Measurement at the Large Hadron Collider"
Lecture on: "Nonlinear response of glass-forming fluids: Probing structural rearrangements by strong external fields"
Lecture on: "Attosecond physics at the extremes: Imaging with a single electron and following charge dynamics in solids"
Lecture on: "Event-ready loophole free Bell tests and beyond"
Lecture on: "Risiko Energiewende - Wege aus der Sackgasse"
Lecture on: "Coherence of ultrashort light pulses"
Lecture on: "Light-matter interaction at the nanoscale: Optical properties of materials from first principles"