Habilitandenkolloquium: Dr. Francesco Intravaia (Max Born Institute, Berlin and Department of Physics, HU Berlin)
- https://www.physik.hu-berlin.de/en/kolloquium-en/colloquia/habilitation-colloquium-dr-francesco-intravaia-max-born-institut-berlin
- Habilitandenkolloquium: Dr. Francesco Intravaia (Max Born Institute, Berlin and Department of Physics, HU Berlin)
- 2017-01-31T15:15:00+01:00
- 2017-01-31T17:00:00+01:00
- Lecture on: "Fluctuation-induced phenomena in equilibrium and nonequilibrium systems"
- When Jan 31, 2017 from 03:15 to 05:00
- Where Lise-Meitner-Haus, Christian-Gerthsen-Hörsaal, Newtonstraße 15, 12489 Berlin
Dr. Francesco Intravaia (Max Born Institute, Berlin and Department of Physics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) will speak about "Fluctuation-induced phenomena in equilibrium and nonequilibrium systems".
Abstract: Fluctuation-induced phenomena are manifestations of the statistical properties of a physical system. These interactions are relevant in several fields of physics, ranging from experiments with cold and ultra-cold atoms via multidisciplinary topics such as biophysics and modern technologies like nano- and micro-electromechanical systems all the way to fundamental questions in cosmology. Paradigmatic examples include van der Waals & Casimir forces between atoms and/or macroscopic objects and the Hawking radiation.
This presentation reviews some of the recent advances in this field of research. Both, systems in thermodynamic equilibrium as well as nonequilibrium configurations will be addressed. These results open new avenues for the investigation of fundamental problems in physics and, at the same time, lead to novel multifunctional devices.