Lecture on: "Gravitational-wave emission and their multi-messenger signatures"
Lecture on: "Black holes"
Lecture on: "Space-borne Bose-Einstein condensation for precision interferometry"
Lecture on: "Phase transitions in two dimensions: From the hard-disk model to active systems".
Lecture on: "FLASHForward into the Future - Challenges and Prospects for Plasma-Wave Acceleration"
Lecture on: "The harmony of scattering amplitudes"
Lecture on: "Dark Matter"
Lecture on: "Quantum cascade laser frequency combs: physics and applications"
Lecture on: "Hot Brownian particles for your nonequilibrium-statistical-mechanics playground"
Lecture on: "Trapped ion optical clocks and tests of the equivalence principle"
Nanophotonic Spin Systems in Diamond and Gallium Arsenide for Quantum Technology
Lecture on: "Pushing Molecular Spectroscopy to the Extremes"
Lecture on: "Microresonator Soliton frequency combs"
Lecture on: "Building quantum systems from scratch"
Lecture on: "Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics in the light of fs short X-ray pulses"
Lecture on: "Quo vadis, Higgs?"
Lecture on: "Superresolution Microscopy"
Lecture on: "Building Entangled Photon Sources for Deployed Quantum Communications"
Lecture on: "Push and Pull, Twist and Turn: Photons Give a Hand"
Lecture on: "Particle Detectors and the Path to Discovery: Detector R&D for Future Particle and Astro-Particle Physics Experiments"