Lecture on: "Interaction of Proteins and Polyelectrolytes as a Central Problem of Biophysics"
Lecture on: "The world’s fattest Schrödinger cat"
Lecture on: "Relating the quantum structure of black holes to quantum information"
Lecture on: "Glass Fiber Quantum Optics"
Lecture on: "An Introduction to Particle Physics and the Large Hadron Collider"
Lecture on "Tailored crystals for solid state lasers"
Lecture on "Fermilab experiment: g-2 of the muon"
Lecture on "Simulation von Pandemien"
Lecture on "Carnot Batteries for large scale electricity storage and the decarbonization of coal power plants"
Lecture on "Phase Change Materials"
Talk on: Hidden Symmetries: From Spin Chains to Feynman Graphs and Back
Lecture on "Quantum hardware for the generation, manipulation and detection of light at the single photon level"
Lecture: Atomic gases as probes: from exploring dimensional crossovers to magnetic sensing of human brain activity.
Lecture: "LARA" - Laser ranging with Micrometer accuracy based on a new concept.
talk: Optical Multi-Dimensional Coherent Spectroscopy of Atoms and Solids
Lecture: Non-Hermitian optics and photonics
Lecture: tbLow-Dimensional Optoelectronics