Habilitandenkolloquium: Dr. Florian Löbbert (HU Berlin, Institut für Physik)
- https://www.physik.hu-berlin.de/en/kolloquium-en/colloquia/habil_koll_loebbert
- Habilitandenkolloquium: Dr. Florian Löbbert (HU Berlin, Institut für Physik)
- 2022-01-11T15:15:00+01:00
- 2022-01-11T17:00:00+01:00
- Talk on: Hidden Symmetries: From Spin Chains to Feynman Graphs and Back
- When Jan 11, 2022 from 03:15 to 05:00
- Where Zoom
Hidden Symmetries: From Spin Chains to Feynman Graphs and Back
The colloquium lecture will be held virtually using Zoom. The registration data will be sent out in advance via the usual mail distribution lists or can be requested at gd-at-physik.hu-berlin.de.
Throughout the history of physics it has been a successful approach to attack problems starting from symmetric setups. In particular, integrable models play a distinguished role in furnishing such starting points, with the Kepler problem being a prime example. In this talk I discuss the hidden symmetries which underly physical problems of a priori very different nature. In particular, I illustrate how the discovery of integrability within the celebrated AdS/CFT correspondence leads to new insights on the symmetries of large families of Feynman integrals. Finally, I comment on novel spin chain and field theory models in 1+1 dimensions, which are controlled via similar mathematical structures.