Kolloquium des Sonderforschungsbereichs 951 - Hybrid Inorganic/Organic Systems for Opto-Electronics
- https://www.physik.hu-berlin.de/en/kolloquium-en/other-dates/sfb951kol20210422
- Kolloquium des Sonderforschungsbereichs 951 - Hybrid Inorganic/Organic Systems for Opto-Electronics
- 2021-04-22T15:15:00+02:00
- 2021-04-22T17:15:00+02:00
- When Apr 22, 2021 from 03:15 to 05:15
- Where ZOOM
Am Donnerstag, dem 22.04.2021 findet um 15:15 Uhr das Kolloquium des Sonderforschungsbereiches 951 "Hybrid Inorganic/Organic Systems for Opto-Electronics" statt. Das Kolloquium wird online über die Plattform ZOOM stattfinden.
Herr Prof. Andrey Turchanin von der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena spricht zu dem Thema:
2D inorganic and organic materials and their hybrids for implementation in electronic and photonic devices
Nach einer kurzen Pause spricht Herr Prof. Andreas Knorr von der Technischen Universität Berlin, Teilprojektleiter des SFB 951 (Teilprojekt B12) zu dem Thema:
A theoretical approach to interfacial charge and energy transfer: atomically thin semiconductors functionalized with graphene, metal nanoparticles and dye molecules
Dazu laden wir Sie sehr herzlich ein.
Zeit: Donnerstag, 22.04.2021, 15:15 Uhr
Bitte nutzen Sie die folgenden Zugangsdaten:
Meeting-ID: 645 8806 9997
Passwort: 951951
Link: https://hu-berlin.zoom.us/j/64588069997?pwd=d3UyMnlZOC9lVnhTVFlpN0EwV2ptZz09
Das Kolloquium wird nicht aufgezeichnet.
We are pleased to invite you to the monthly colloquium of the Collaborative Research Centre 951 "Hybrid Inorganic/Organic Systems for Opto-Electronics". The colloquium takes place on Thursday, April 22nd, 15:15 as an online event using the platform ZOOM.
Prof. Andrey Turchanin from the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany, will give a talk about:
2D inorganic and organic materials and their hybrids for implementation in electronic and photonic devices
After a short break, Prof. Andreas Knorr from the Technische Universität Berlin, PI of the CRC 951 (Project B12), will give a talk about:
A theoretical approach to interfacial charge and energy transfer: atomically thin semiconductors functionalized with graphene, metal nanoparticles and dye molecules
We cordially invite you to the colloquium.
You can join the meeting using the following login data:
Meeting ID: 645 8806 9997
Password: 951951
Link: https://hu-berlin.zoom.us/j/64588069997?pwd=d3UyMnlZOC9lVnhTVFlpN0EwV2ptZz09
The colloquium will not be recorded.
Should you need further information, do not hesitate to contact us.