Dr. Sebastian Heeg
Group Leader
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Department of Physics
Physics of Low-Dimensional systems Group
Newtonstraße 15, Room 2'404
12489 Berlin, Germany
Direct: +49 30 2093-7958
sebastian.heeg (at)
How to find us
From Hauptbahnhof (main station)
Take any S-Bahn going east to Ostkreuz.
Change to S8 (direction Grünau or Zeuthen) or S9 (direction Flughafen BER) and exit at station Adlershof.
From BER airport
Take S-Bahn S9 or S45 to Adlershof.
From the S-Bahn station Adlershof you will reach us by following the Rudower Chaussee for 1 km, then turning right into Newtonstraße.