Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Physics of low-dimensional systems


Publications in peer-reviewed journals



38. Strain fingerprinting of exciton valley character 

A. Kumar, D. Yagodkin, R. Rosati, D. J. Bock, C. Schattauer, S. Tobisch, J. Hagel, B. Höfer, J. N. Kirchhof, P. Hernández López, K. Burfeindt, S. Heeg, C. Gahl, F. Libisch, E. Malic, K. I. Bolotin

Nature Communications 15, 7546 (2024)


37. Advanced 1D heterostructures based on nanotubes templates and molecules

C. Allard, L. Alvarez, J.-L. Bantignies, N. Bendiab, S. Cambré, S. Campidelli, J. Fagan, E. Flahaut, B. Flavel, F. Fossard, E. Gaufrès, S. Heeg, J.-S. Lauret, A. Loiseau, J.-B. Marceau, M. Richard, L. Marty, T. Pichler, S. Reich, A. Setaro, L. Shi, C. Voisin, W. Wenseleers

Chem. Soc. Rev., Advance Article (2024)


36. Bulk-suppressed and surface-sensitive Raman scattering by transferable plasmonic membranes with irregular slot-shaped nanopores

R. M. Wyss, G. Kewes, P. Marabotti, S. M. Koepli, M. Frimmer, K.-P. Schlichting, M. Parzefall, E. Bonvin, M. F. Sarott, M. Trassin, M. Oezkent, C-H. Lu, K-P. Gradwohl, T. Perrault, L. Habibova, G. Marcelli, M. Giraldo, J. Vermant, L. Novotny, M. Frimmer, M. C. Weber, S. Heeg

Nature Communications,  15, 5236 (2024)



35. Strain control of hybridization between dark and localized excitons in a 2D semiconductor

P. Hernández López, S. Heeg, C. Schattauer, S. Kovalchuk, A. Kumar, D.J. Bock, J.N. Kirchhof, B. Hoefer, K. Greben, F. Libisch, K.I. Bolotin

Nature Communications,  13, 7691 (2022)

34. Raman spectroscopy of isolated carbyne chains confined in carbon nanotubes: Progress and Prospects

        J.M.A. Lechner, P. Hernández López, S. Heeg

        Chinese Phys. B 31 127801 (2022)

33. Freestanding and permeable nanoporous gold membranes for surface-enhanced Raman scattering

R. Wyss, M. Parzefall, C. Gruber, S. Busschaert, K.-P. Schlichting, C. R. Lightner, E. Loertscher, L. Novotny, S. Heeg

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14(14), 16558-16567 (2022)



32. Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering of Single Carbyne Chains

C.D.Tschannen, M. Frimmer, G. Gordeev, Thiago L. Vasconcelos, L. Shi, T. Pichler, S. Reich, S. Heeg, L. Novotny

ACS Nano, 15(7) 12249-12225 (2021)

31. Fabrication and electrochemical response of pristine graphene ultramicroelectrodes

S. Goodwin, Z. Coldrick, S. Heeg, B. Grieve, A. Vijayaraghavan, E. W Hill

Carbon 177, 207-215 (2021)

30. Tunable graphene phononic crystal

J.N. Kirchof, K. Weidel, S. Heeg, V. Deinhart, S. Kovalchuk, K.Höflich, K.I. Bolotin

Nano Letters 21(5), 2174-2182 (2021)



29. Experimental tests of SERS: Moving beyond the electromagnetic enhancement theory

S. Heeg, N. S. Mueller, S. Wasserroth, P. Kusch, S. Reich

Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 52(1), 310-322 (2020)

28. In situ functionalization of graphene

K. Greben, S. Kovalchuk, A.M. Valencia, J. Kirchhof, S. Heeg, P. Rietsch, S. Reich, C. Cocchi, S. Eigler, K. Bolotin

2D Materials 8(1), 015022 (2020)

27. Raman scattering cross section of confined carbyne

C.D.Tschannen, G. Gordeev, S. Reich, L. Shi, T. Pichler, M. Frimmer, L. Novotny, S. Heeg

Nano Letters 20(9), 6750-6755 (2020)



26. Beam steering with a nonlinear optical phased array antenna

S. Busschaert, N. Flöry, S. Papadopoulos, M. Parzefall, S. Heeg, L. Novotny

Nano Letters 19(9), 6097-6103 (2019)

25. Resonant, Plasmonic Raman enhancement of a-6T molecules encapsulated in Carbon Nanotubes

S. Wasserroth, S. Heeg, N.S. Mueller, P. Kusch, U. Hübner, E. Gaufrès, N.Y.-W. Tang, R. Martel, A. Vijayaraghavan, S. Reich

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(16), 10578-10585 (2019)



24. Probing hotspots of plasmon-enhanced Raman scattering by nanomanipulation of carbon nanotubes

S. Heeg, N. Clark, and A. Vijayaraghavan

Nanotechnology 29(46), 465710 (2018)

23. Carbon nanotube chirality determines properties of encapsulated linear carbon chains

S. Heeg, L. Shi and T. Pichler, L.V. Poulikakos, L. Novotny

Nano Letters 18(9), 5426-5431 (2018)

22. Resonance Raman profile of an individual confined linear carbon chain

S. Heeg, L. Shi, T. Pichler, and L. Novotny

Carbon 139, 581-585 (2018)

21. Minimizing residues and strain in 2D Materials transferred from PDMS

A. Jain, P. Bharadwaj, S. Heeg, M. Parzefall, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, and L. Novotny

Nanotechnology 29(36), 265203 (2018)

20. Graphene as a local probe to investigate near-field properties of plasmonic nanostructures

S. Wasserroth, T. Bisswanger, N.S. Mueller, P. Kusch, S. Heeg, N. Clark, F. Schedin, R. Gorbachev, and S. Reich

Physical Review B, 97(1), 155417 (2018), highlighted as Editor’s Suggestions



19. Ultrasensitive and towards single molecule SERS: general discussion

J. Aizpurua, H. Arnolds, J. Baumberg, I. Bruzas, R. Chikkaraddy, M. Chisanga, P.          Dawson, V. Deckert, I. Delfino, B. de Nijs, G. Di Martino, J. Edel, H. Fleming, S.            Gawinkowski, F. Giorgis, R. Goodacre, D. Graham, M. Hardy, C. Heck, S. Heeg, K.        Hewitt, L. Jamieson, A. Keeler, A. Królikowska, C. Kuttner, N. Lidgi-Guigui, C.              Lightner, J. Lombardi, S. Mahajan, N. Martín Sabanés, J.-F. Masson, N. S. Mueller, H.    Muhamadali, K. Murakoshi, J. Popp, M. Porter, S. Reich, G. Schatz, Z.-Q. Tian, A.          Tripathi, R. Van Duyne, X. Wang, A. Wark, K. K. Willets, M. Willner

Faraday Discussions 205, 291–330 (2017)

18. Evaluating arbitrary strain configurations and doping in graphene with Raman spectroscopy

N. Mueller , S. Heeg, M. Peña Alvarez, P. Kusch, S. Wasserroth, N. Clark, F. Schedin, J. Parthenios, K. Papagelis, C. Galiotis, M. Kalbaç, A. Vijayaraghavan, U. Huebner, R. Gorbachev, O. Frank, S. Reich

2D Materials 5(1), 015016 (2017)

17. Plasmonic enhancement of SERS measured on molecules in carbon nanotubes

N. Mueller*, S. Heeg*, P. Kusch, E. Gaufrès, N. Tang, U. Hübner, R. Martel, A. Vijayaraghavan, and S. Reich

Faraday discussions 205, 85-103 (2017)

16. Dual-scattering near-field microscope for correlative nanoimaging of SERS and electromagnetic hotspots

P. Kusch, S. Mastel, N. Mueller, N. Morquillas, S. Heeg, R. Gorbachev, F. Schedin, U. Huebner, J. Pascual, S. Reich, R. Hillenbrand

Nano Letters 17(4), 2667-2673 (2017)



15. Surface-enhanced Raman scattering as a higher-order Raman process

N.Müller, S.Heeg, S. Reich

Physical Review A 94(2), 023813 (2016)

14. Graphene Oxide promotes embryonic stem cell differentiation to haematopoietic lineage

E. Garcia-Alegria, M.Iluit, M. Stefanska, C. Silva, S. Heeg, S. J. Kimber, V. Kouskoff, G. Lacaud, A. Vijayaraghavan, and K. Batta

Scientific Reports 6, 25918 (2016)



13. Scalable bottom-up assembly of suspended carbon nanotube and graphene devices by dielectrophoresis

A. Oikonomou, N. Clark, S. Heeg, A. Kretinin, S. Varey, G. Yu and A. Vijayaraghavan

Physica Status Solidi RRL 9(9), 539 – 543 (2015)



12. Plasmon-enhanced Raman scattering by suspended carbon nanotubes

S. Heeg, N. Clark, A. Oikonomou, A. Vijayaraghavan, S. Reich

Physica Status Solidi RRL 8(9), 785 – 789 (2014)

11. Plasmon-enhanced Raman scattering by carbon nanotubes optically coupled with near-field cavities

S. Heeg, A. Oikonomou, R. Fernandez-Garcia, C. Lehmann, S.A. Maier, A. Vijayaraghavan, S. Reich

Nano Letters 14(4), 1762-1768 (2014)



10. Raman spectra of metallic carbon nanotubes in solution and on substrates

B. Hatting, S. Heeg, S. Reich

Physica Status Solidi B 250(12), 2639-2642 (2013)

9. Strained graphene as a local probe for plasmon-enhanced Raman scattering by gold nanostructures

S. Heeg, A. Oikonomou, RF Garcia, SA Maier, A. Vijayaraghavan, S Reich

Physica Status Solidi RRL 7(12), 1067-1070 (2013), highlighted as front Cover picture

8. Selective interaction between nanotubes and perylene-based surfactants

F. Ernst, S. Heeg, T. Heek, A. Setaro, R. Haag, S. Reich

Physica Status Solidi RRL 7(8), 546-549 (2013)

7. Fermi energy shift in deposited metallic nanotubes: A Raman scattering study

B. Hatting, S. Heeg, K. Ataka, J. Heberle, F. Hennrich, M.M. Kappes, R. Krupke, S. Reich

Physical Review B 87(16), 165442 (2013)

6. Polarized Plasmonic Enhancement by Au Nanostructures Probed through Raman Scattering of Suspended Graphene

S. Heeg, R. Fernandez-Garcia, A. Oikonomou, F. Schedin, R. Narula, S. A. Maier, A. Vijayaraghavan, S. Reich

Nano Letters 13(1), 301–308 (2013)



5. Analysing the photoluminescence intensities of single-walled carbon nanotubes

S. Heeg, J.T. Abrahamson, M.S. Strano, S. Reich

Physica Status Solidi B 249(12), 2473–2478 (2012)



4. Selective Bundling of Zigzag Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

C. Blum, N. Sturzl, F. Hennrich, S. Lebedkin, S. Heeg, H. Dumlich, S. Reich, M.M. Kappes

ACS Nano 5(4), 2847–2854 (2011)

3. Assembly of carbon nanotubes and alkylated fullerenes: nanocarbon hybrid towards photovoltaic applications

Y. Shen, J.S. Reparaz, M. R. Wagner, A. Hoffmann, C. Thomsen, J.-O. Lee, S. Heeg, B. Hatting, S. Reich, A. Saeki, S. Seki, K. Yoshida, S. Babu, H. Möhwald, T. Nakanishi

Chemical Science 2(11), 2243–2250 (2011)



2. Broadened second excitonic transition of single–walled carbon nanotubes in photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy

S. Heeg, B. Hatting, M. Dantz, S.Reich

Physica Status Solidi B 247(11- 12), 2887–2890 (2010)



1. Quantitative composition of a single–walled carbon nanotube sample: Raman scattering versus photoluminescence

S.Heeg, E.Malić, C.Casiraghi, S.Reich

Physica Status Solidi B 246(11- 12), 2740–274 (2009)



Book chapters

1. Tip-enhanced spectroscopy and imaging of carbon nanomaterials

A. Jorio, G. Cançado, S. Heeg, L. Novotny and A. Hartschuh

Handbook of Carbon Nano Materials, Chap. 5, 175-221 (2019)