Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Physics of Macromolecules

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences | Department of Physics | Physics of Macromolecules | Teaching | Lab Course "Ellipsometrie" (Master in Optical Sciences and Master in Polymer Science)

Lab Course "Ellipsometrie" (Master in Optical Sciences and Master in Polymer Science)


In this experiment, thin polystyrene films are produced using the spin-coating process, and their layer thickness is measured using the ellipsometry method. The films are produced on substrates made of silicon, which are already coated with a film made of SiO2. The polymer films are produced from a solution, the film thickness being adjusted via the rotational speed of the spin coater. The layer thicknesses of the SiO2 layer and the polymer films are measured with the aid of elliposmetry. It should be shown that the film thickness of the polymer layer is proportional to the square root of the rotational speed of the spin coater.


1 day


Meeting point:


We meet at  10:00 Uhr (10 am) in front of the laboratory, room 1'116 (if not arranged otherwise).