Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mathematisch-Naturwissen­schaft­liche Fakultät - Modern Optics

 Modern Optics   

Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics




The AMO group at HU Berlin performs research in a wide range of theoretical atomic, molecular, and optical physics / theoretical quantum optics. This ranges from the theoretical treatment of atoms and molecules exposed to ultrashort intense laser pulses via ultracold quantum gases (in optical lattices) and their application for quantum simulation or quantum computers to atomic and molecular problems in the context of fundamental questions of physics (directly relevant, e.g., for the tritium neutrino-mass experiment KATRIN, the Holmium neutrino-mass experiment ECHo, or antimatter-matter collisions).




The paper "New Constraint on the Local Relic Neutrino Background Overdensity with the First KATRIN Data Runs" appeared in Physical Review Letters 129, 011806 (2022) on June 29, 2022 (Editor's suggestion, see also the corresponding Physics article).


The paper "Direct neutrino-mass measurement with sub-electronvolt sensitivity" appeared in Nature Physics 18, 160 (2022) on February 14, 2022, incl. an "Editorial" and a "News&Views" highlighting.


Open Bachelor and Master thesis projects are available.



Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Physik
AG Moderne Optik

Newtonstr. 15

12489 Berlin

Tel.:  +49 [30] 2093-82041
Fax:  +49 [30] 2093-82451