- Jasper Roosmale Nepveu, "The Seeds of EFT Double Copy", talk presented at the virtual workshop "Rebuilding the tower of Babel: Bringing together the various languages of color-kinematics duality", Mainz, MITP, April, 11th to April 13th, 2022.
- Till Martini, talk, "Top quark pair production as a laboratory for probing anomalous top-quark couplings through electroweak loops", 14th Annual Meeting of the Helmholtz Alliance ”Physics at the Terascale”, November 2021
- Till Martini, talk, "A handle on anomalous top-Higgs couplings in top quark pair production through EW loops", 2021 Phenomenology Symposium, May 2021
- Lina Alasfar, talk, "Four-fermion operators in Higgs production and decay", 2021 Phenomenology Symposium, May 2021
- Till Martini, invited talk, "Loop sensitivity to anomalous top quark Yukawa couplings in tt production", ATLAS ttH meeting, April 2021
- Jasper Roosmale Nepveu, talk, "Higher order renormalisation in scalar effective field theory", Higgs and Effective Field Theory - HEFT2021, April 2021
- Lina Alasfar, talk, "Probing Higgs couplings to light quarks via Higgs pair production", Higgs and Effective Field Theory - HEFT2021, April 2021
- Jasper Roosmale Nepveu, poster presentation: "Operator bases and renormalisation in scalar effective field theory", HPNP2021 (Higgs as a Probe of New Physics) online edition, March 2021
- Lina Alasfar, talk, "EFT Modelling [of HH production] at NLO", LHC-HH Subgroup Meeting, February 2021
- Markus Schulze, talks to 13h-grade high school students of Elinor-Ostrom-Humboldt-Oberstufe about the Beginnings of Quantum Physics and the Kopenhagen Interpretation. This event took place thanks to December 2020
- Markus Schulze, talks to 12th-grade high school students of Schulen der Brede about Quantum Physics and Modern Research. This event took place thanks to December 2020
- Till Martini, invited talk "Electroweak loops as a probe of new physics in ttbar production at the LHC", The Eighth Annual Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP2020) online conference, May 2020
- M. Schulze, invited talk, "Electroweak loops as a probe of new physics in ttbar production at the LHC", 13th Annual Helmholtz Alliance Workshop on Physics at the Terascale, November 2019
- M. Schulze, lecture series on Top Quark Physics, Helmholtz International Summer School - Dubna International Advanced School of Theoretical Physics, July 2019
- Ramona Groeber, session chair, "Higgs Physics", EPS HEP 2019, Ghent, Belgium, July 2019
- Ayan Paul, parallel talk "Disentangling Higgs and Electroweak Physics at Future Lepton Colliders", EPS HEP 2019, Ghent, Belgium, July 2019
- Lina Alasfar, parallel talk "Light Yukawa couplings from double Higgs production", EPS HEP 2019, Ghent, Belgium, July 2019
- Sascha Peitzsch, parallel talk, "Exploring Higgs couplings in single top-quark production", Higgs couplings 2019, Oxford, UK, September 2019
- Till Martini, parallel talk, "The Matrix Element Method as a tool for precision and accuracy", EPS HEP 2019, Ghent, Belgium, July 2019
- M. Kraus, invited talk (parallel session), "Precise predictions for ttA/tt cross section ratios at the LHC", 31th Rencontres de Blois - Particle Physics and Cosmology, Blois, France, June 2019
- M. Schulze, plenary discussion session "SM Effective Field Theory", LHCP 2019, Puebla, Mexico
- M. Schulze, talk, "Top quark properties", International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering, Torino
- R. Gröber, seminar talk, "Probing the Higgs boson in pairs", Teilchentee Heidelberg.
- R. Gröber, seminar talk, "Top quark mass effects in gluon fusion processes", Milan University.
- R. Gröber, invited talk, "Future probes of the Higgs boson", 7th Rome Joint Workshop, December 2018
- R. Gröber, plenary talk, "HH theory overview", General Assembly of the LHCHXSWG, December 2018
- R. Gröber, invited talk, "Probing the Higgs boson in pairs", IFT, Madrid, Spain, December 2018
- M. Kraus, session chair, "Top physics" & "Combined Higgs and Top", 12th Annual Meeting of the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale", Hamburg, Germany, November 2018
- S. Peitzsch, talk, "Single top quark production in association with a Higgs with anomalous couplings in NLO at the LHC", 12th Annual Meeting of the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale", Hamburg, Germany, November 2018
- R. Gröber, invited talk, "Top quark mass effects in gluon fusion processes", Seminar des Graduiertenkollegs, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 2018
- P. Uwer, plenary talk "The matrix element method at next-to-leading order QCD", 7th International Workshop on High Precision for Hard Processes - HP2 2018, Freiburg, Germany, October 2018
- M. Kraus, parallel talk "Off-shell ttj production - Top quark mass studies at the LHC", 7th International Workshop on High Precision for Hard Processes - HP2 2018, Freiburg, Germany, October 2018
- P. Uwer, plenary talk, "Top and QCD theory overview 2018 LHC Days
- M. Schulze, session chair, "Precision Calculations", conference "SUSY 2018", Barcelona, Spain, July 2018
- T. Martini, invited talk, "The Matrix Element Method at NLO QCD for Hadronic Jet Production", Particle Phenomenology Seminar, University of Heidelberg, Germany, July 2018
- M. Kraus, plenary talk, "
- M. Schulze, plenary talk, "Top Quark Physics", LHCP Bologna, Italy, May 2018
- Co-organization "SM@LHC" conference, Berlin, April 2018
- M. Schulze, invited talk, "Probing the top quark electroweak interactions at the LHC", Particle Seminar, University Muenster, Germany, March 2018
- M. Schulze, invited talk, "Fundamental Physics in the LHC Era and the Quest for Precision", Colloquium, State University of Florida, Tallahassee, USA, February 2018
- M. Schulze, talk, "Probing the electroweak top quark couplings", ATLAS Single-top quark workshop, HU-Berlin, Germany, December 2017
- PhD candidate Yaofu Zhou (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore) visits for a 2-month collaboration, December 2017
- T.Martini, invited talk, "The Matrix Element Method at Next-to-leading
Order Accuracy for Hadronic Collisions", POETS Research Seminar, Berlin, Germany, November 2017 - M. Schulze, invited outreach talk “Intercultural aspects and challenges in particle physics”, Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, Aachen, Germany, November 2017
- C. Meyer, invited talk, "Transforming multi-loop Feynman integrals to a canonical basis with CANONICA", Particle Physics Theory Seminar, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, October 2017
- M. Schulze, talk, "Top Quarks and Gauge Bosons", TOP 2017, Braga Portugal, September 2017
- T.Martini, invited talk, "The Matrix Element Method at Next-to-leading
Order Accuracy", Workshop “Matrix Element Methods at the LHC", Berlin, Germany, September 2017 - M. Schulze, invited talk, "Matrix Element Methods for Higgs boson characterization with the JHUGen/MELA framework", Berlin, Germany, September 2017
- M. Kraus, plenary talk "Off-shell ttj production and the top quark mass",13th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections - RADCOR 2017, St. Gilgen, Austria, September 2017
- P. Uwer, "Top-quark mass determination", LFC17: Old and New Strong Interactions from LHC to Future Colliders, Trento, Italy, September 2017
- PhD candidate Yaofu Zhou (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore) visits for a 2-month collaboration, August 2017
- M.Kraus, "offshell ttj production - Top quark mass studies at the LHC", Seminar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, August 2017
- M. Schulze, talk, "Review: Top quark anomalous coupling studies", EPS 2017, Venice, Italy, July 2017
- PhD candidate Yaofu Zhou (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore) wins a 4-month travel grant from DAAD to visit HU Berlin, June 2017
- M.Kraus, "offshell ttj production - Top quark mass studies at the LHC", Top Working Group Meeting, CERN, Switzerland, June 2017
- P. Galler, invited talk (parallel session), "2HDM effects in top-quark pair production", 29th Rencontres de Blois - Particle Physics and Cosmology, Blois, France, May 2017
- M. Schulze, invited talk, "Fundamental Physics in the LHC Era and the Quest for Precision", Colloquium, TU Munich, May 2017
- T.Martini, invited parallel contribution, "Single top-quark production with the matrix-element method in NLO accuracy", “25th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and Related Topics", Birmingham, United Kingdom, April 2017
- M. Schulze, talk, "Recent theory developments in top-quark physics", SM@LHC 2017, Nikhef, Netherlands, April 2017
- S. Peitzsch, talk, "QCD Korrekturen zur Produktion einzelner Top-Quarks in Assoziation mit einem Higgs-Boson", Conference of the "Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft", Münster, Germany, March 2017
- P. Galler, invited talk (parallel session), "Heavy Higgs boson production and decay into top quarks at the LHC", Conference of the "Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft", Münster, Germany, March 2017
- T.Martini, talk, "The Matrix Element Method at next-to-leading order QCD at (hadron) colliders", Conference of the "Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft", Münster, Germany, March 2017
- M. Kraus, invited talk, "Off-shell effects for ttj in the dilepton channel", Conference of the "Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft", Münster, Germany, March 2017
- M. Schulze, Lecturer at the Spring Academy of Stiftung des Deutschen Volkes, “From the Beginnings of Quantum Mechanics to Modern Elementary Particle Physics”, Annecy, France, March 2016
- C. Meyer, invited talk "Transforming multi-loop Feynman integrals to a canonical basis", Theorie-Palaver, Mainz, Germany, January 2017
- M. Schulze, talk, "Exploring the top quark electroweak interactions", Epiphany XXIII, IFJ PAN Crakow, Poland, January 2017
- M. Schulze, invited talk, "Probing the top quark electroweak couplings at the LHC", Particle Theory Seminar, Seminar talk, University of Würzburg, Germany, January 2017
- M. Schulze, invited talk, "Probing the top quark electroweak couplings at the LHC", Particle Physics Seminar, University of Heidelberg, Germany, January 2017
- M. Schulze, invited talk, "Probing the top quark electroweak couplings at the LHC", Particle Theory Seminar, RWTH Aachen, Germany, January 2017
- C. Meyer, invited talk, "Algorithmic transformation of multi-loop Feynman integrals to a canonical basis", Seminar in Theoretical Particle Physics, Zuerich, Switzerland, December, 2016
- C. Meyer, invited talk, "Algorithmic transformation of multi-loop Feynman integrals to a canonical basis", IPPP Seminar, Durham, United Kingdom, December 2016
- C. Meyer, invited talk, "Transforming differential equations of multi-loop Feynman integrals into canonical form", Seminar Fundamentale Wechselwirkungen, Freiburg, Germany, December 2016
- P. Galler, invited talk, "NLO QCD corrections to heavy Higgs boson production and decay into ttbar within the 2HDM", LHC Dark Matter Working Group Meeting, CERN, Switzerland, December 2016
- M. Schulze, talk, "Electroweak Corrections to Standard Candle Processes at the LHC", Symposium on Precision versus Energy, KIT Karlsruhe, Germany, November 2016
- P. Galler, talk, "Heavy Higgs boson resonances and their decay into top quarks at the LHC", 10th Annual Meeting of the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale", Hamburg, Germany, November 2016
- M. Kraus, talk, "Off-shell effects for ttj in the dilepton channel", 10th Annual Meeting of the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale", Hamburg, Germany, November 2016
- T.Martini, talk, "The Matrix Element Method at next-to-leading order QCD for single top-quark production at the LHC", 10th Annual Meeting of the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale", Hamburg, Germany, November 2016
- M. Schulze, talk, "Exploring the top quark electroweak interactions", 10th Annual Meeting of the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale", Hamburg, Germany, November 2016
- M. Schulze, talk, "Electroweak Corrections to Standard Candle Processes at the LHC", Future Challenges for precision QCD, Durham, UK, October 2016
- P. Uwer, lecture on "Renormalization", Freiburg, Research Training Group "GRK2044 Mass and symmetries", 10-12 october 2016, Gengenbach.
- D.N.Le, invited parallel contribution, conference "Radiative correction to triple gauge boson production", Precision theory for precise measurements, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, Sep 2016.
- D.N.Le, invited plenary talk, conference "A theoretical status of weak gauge boson pair production at the LHC", XXXVI Physics in Collision (PIC), Quy Nhon, Vietnam, Sep 2016.
- D.N.Le, co-main organizer, school "22nd Vietnam School of Physics (VSOP22)", Quy Nhon, Vietnam, Sep 1-12, 2016.
- P.Galler, talk, "Production of heavy Higgs bosons and decay into top quarks at the LHC", "38th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP2016)", Chicago, USA, August 2016
- T.Martini, talk, "The Matrix Element Method at next-to-leading order QCD for single top-quark production at the LHC", "QCD@LHC 2016 International Conference", Zurich, Switzerland, August 2016
- T.Martini, invited talk, "The Matrix Element Method at next-to-leading order QCD for single top-quark production at the LHC", ATLAS Single Top Group Meeting, CERN, Switzerland, June 2016
- T.Martini, invited talk, "The Matrix Element Method at next-to-leading order QCD for single top-quark production at the LHC", CMS Top Analysis Group Meeting, CERN, Switzerland, June 2016
- P.Uwer, invited parallel contribution, "HATHOR for single top-quark production: Updated predictions and uncertainty estimates for single top-quark production in hadronic collisions", "Fourth Annual Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference (LHCP2016)", Lund, Sweden, June 2016.
- P.Galler, invited parallel contribution, "Production of heavy Higgs bosons and decay into top quarks at the LHC", "Fourth Annual Large Hadron Collider Physics Conference (LHCP2016)", Lund, Sweden, June 2016
- T.Martini, invited talk, "The Matrix Element Method at next-to-leading order QCD for single top-quark production at the LHC", POETS Research Seminar, Berlin, Germany, June 2016
- M.Schulze, Outreach presentation “Life at CERN”, Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, CERN, Switzerland, April 2016
- C.Meyer, talk, "Evaluating multi-loop Feynman integrals using differential equations: automatizing the transformation to a canonical basis", Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory, Leipzig, Germany, April 2016
- C.Meyer, talk, "Towards the automatized evaluation of Feynman integrals with differential equations", Conference of the "Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft", Hamburg, Germany, March 2016
- T.Martini, invited talk, "The Matrix Element Method at next-to-leading order accuracy", Seminar, Mainz, Germany, Dec. 2015.
- T.Martini, talk, "The Matrix Element Method at next-to-leading order accuracy", "Physics at the Terascale - Annual meeting of the Helmholtz Alliance", Hamburg, Germany, Nov. 2015.
- T.Martini, invited talk, "The Matrix Element Method at next-to-leading order accuracy", Seminar, Heidelberg, Germany, Oct. 2015.
- T.Martini, talk, "The Matrix Element Method at next-to-leading order accuracy", "Physics at the LHC and beyond - DESY Theory workshop", Hamburg, Germany, Oct. 2015.
- D.N.Le, invited talk, "On 3-3-1 models", "Workshop HEPKIT2015: The High-Energy Physics Kit", Karlsruhe, Germany, Oct. 2015.
- P.Uwer, Co-organizer and lecturer, school "Precision measurements in top- and beauty-quark physics" supported by the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale", Meinerzhagen, Sept. 2015.
- T.Martini, talk, "The Matrix Element Method at next-to-leading order accuracy", "Matter To The Deepest Recent Developments In Physics Of Fundamental Interactions, XXXIX International Conference of Theoretical Physics", Ustron, Poland, Sept. 2015.
- P.Uwer, invited talk, "Electroweak corrections in top-quark pair production", "Top2015 - 8th International workshop on top-quark physics", Ischia, Italy, Sept. 2015.
- D.N.Le, Co-organizer and lecturer, "The Standard Model", "Miniworkshop: particle physics in Quy Nhon", Quy Nhon, Vietnam, July 2015.
- P.Uwer, invited plenary talk, "Top-quark physics - Theory status", "37th International Conference on High Energy Physics" (ICHEP), Valencia, Spain, July 2014.
- P.Uwer, invited talk, "Top-quark physics - Theoretical issues", "26th Rencontre de Blois, Particle physics and cosmology", Blois, France, May 2014.
- P. Galler, talk, "New Physics Contributions to the ttbar Charge Asymmetry", Conference of the "Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft", Mainz, 24.-28. March, 2014
- T. Martini, talk, "Next-to-leading-order Weights for Events in Hadron Collisions", Conference of the "Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft", Mainz, 24.-28. March, 2014
- S. Mölbitz, talk, "Single top production in association with 2 jets at NLO QCD", Conference of the "Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft", Mainz, 24.-28. March, 2014
- P.Kant, invited seminar talk, "Reducing Redundancy in Feynman Integral Reduction", Bergische Universität Wuppertal, February 2014
- T.Martini, invited parallel contribution, "HATHOR for Single Top Production - Updated Predictions and Uncertainty Estimates for Single Top Quark Production in Hadronic Collisions -", Annual meeting Terascale Alliance "Physics at the Terascale", Karlsruhe, Dec. 2013
- P.Kant, invited talk, "Calculation of Three-Loop Terms for the MSSM Higgs Mass", Higgs Mass Workshop, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, December 2013
- P.Kant, invited talk, "Theory Predictions for the Higgs Mass and Implications for Phenomenology", workshop "SUSY: Model-Building and Phenomenology", Kavli Institute for Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, Tokyo, December 2013
- P.Kant, invited talk, "Precision Calculations of the MSSM Higgs Boson Mass: Implications for Supersymmetry at the LHC", Theory Meeting Experiment 2013, Warsaw, June 2013
- P.Uwer, convener working group "Top, QCD, Loopverein", ECFA Linear Collider Workshop 2013, DESY Hamburg, May 2013
- P.Uwer, invited talk, "Das Higgsboson und das Geheimnis der Masse", "46. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie", Berlin, March 2013.
- T. Martini, talk, "Deep Inelastic Lepton Scattering With Polarized Nucleons", Conference of the "Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft", Dresden, 4.-8. March, 2013
- B.Biedermann, talk, "Four jet production at next-to-leading order for the Large Hadron Collider", Conference of the "Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft", Dresden, 4.-8. March, 2013
- P. Uwer, invited talk, "Strategies Towards a Precise Measurement of the Top-Quark Mass", "Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vallée d'Aoste", La Thuile (I), Febr./March 2013.
- T. Martini, invited talk, "Deep Inelastic Lepton Scattering With Polarized Nucleons
---Extension of the event generator DJANGOH by the option of target polarization", BNL EIC Task Force Meeting, Brookhaven National Lab, USA, February, 2013
B.Biedermann, talk, "Multi-jet cross sections at NLO accuracy in QCD with NJet", 6th Annual Workshop of the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale", Hamburg, Dec, 3-5, 2012
B.Biedermann, talk, "Multi-jet cross sections in hadronic collisions at NLO accuracy in QCD with NJet", 18th Meeting of SFB/TR9, Berlin, Oct, 1-2, 2012
P.Uwer, invited talk, "Top-quark pair production: New results and recent developments", DESY Theory workshop, Hamburg, Sept. 2012
P.Uwer: Exercises on "Renormalisation and Effective Field Theories", Herbstschule Maria Laach, Sep. 2012.
M. Assadsolimani, talk, "From tensor integral;s to IBP", workshop on frontiers in perturbative quantum field theory, Bielefeld, Sept. 2012
P.Uwer, invited talk, "New techniques to determine the top-quark mass", workshop "Tools for precision and discovery physics with top quarks", CERN, July 2012.
P.Uwer, invited talk, "Top physics", XL International Meeting on Fundamental Physics, Benasque, Spain, May 2012.
B.Biedermann, talk, "Numerical evaluation of matrix elements for multi-jet production at next-to-leading order", 17th Meeting of SFB/TR9, Karlsruhe, March, 20-21, 2012
P.Uwer, invited talk, "Top mass and its interpretation, theory view", workshop "Standard Model @ LHC", Copenhagen, 10-13 april, 2012.
P.Uwer, co-organization, "Top-quark workshop", Berlin, March, 22-23, 2012.
M. Assadsolimani, talk, "Two loop corrections for single top quark production", Conference of the "Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft", Göttingen, February 27 - March 2, 2012
B.Biedermann, talk, "Numerical Evaluation of one-loop QCD amplitudes", Conference of the "Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft", Göttingen, February 27 - March 2, 2012
K. Bzheumikhova, talk, "QED-Korrekturen zur Topquarkpaarproduktion", Conference of the "Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft", Göttingen, February 27 - March 2, 2012
P. Galler, talk, "Nächstführende QCD Korrekturen zu Higgs-Signaturen in der t ¯t-Produktion am LHC", Conference of the "Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft", Göttingen, February 27 - March 2, 2012
- P.Uwer, invited talk, "The top quark mass", LC Forum meeting, DESY Hamburg, 7-9 February,2012.
- B.Biedermann, talk, "Numerical evaluation of massless QCD scattering amplitudes at one-loop order", invited Seminar Talk, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik München, January 23, 2012
- P.Uwer, invited contribution, "The top quark mass", Workshop of the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale", Bonn, December 2011
- P.Kant, talk, "Three-Loop Corrections to the Mass of the Light Higgs Boson in the MSSM", invited Seminar talk, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, Munich, December 2011
- P.Kant, talk, "Single-Top-Quark Production: Towards Increased Theoretical Precision", 5th Annual Workshop of the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale", Bonn, December 2011
- P.Uwer, invited contribution, "Top pair production at hadron colliders", "4th international workshop on Top Quark Physics", September 25-30 2011, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain.
- P.Uwer: Exercises on "Renormalisation and Effective Field Theories", Herbstschule Maria Laach, Bautzen, Sep. 2011.
B.Biedermann, talk, "Numerical evaluation of QCD one-loop amplitudes", Desy theory workshop 2011, Hamburg, 27.-30. September 2011
- B.Biedermann, talk, "Numerical evaluation of one-loop QCD amplitudes", 14th International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research, ACAT 2011, 5-9 September 2011, London, UK.
- P.Kant, talk, "Three-Loop Calculation of the Higgs Boson Mass in Supersymmetry", 14th International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research, ACAT 2011, 5-9 September 2011, London, UK.
- P.Uwer: Workshop "Implications of LHC results for TeV-scale physics", CERN, 29. August - 02. September.
- P.Uwer: Invited contribution: "Top physics", workshop QCD@LHC 2011, 22-26 August 2011, St. Andrews, Scotland.
- P.Uwer: Invited contribution: "Top theory - differential distributions", workshop on "Standard Model Benchmark Processes", 15-17 June 2011, DESY, Zeuthen.
- P.Uwer: Co-organizer, workshop on Top-quark physics, Wuppertal, April, 2011
- P.Uwer: Lecture on Monte Carlo methods in particle physics, CAPP school, DESY Zeuthen, March, 2011
- B.Biedermann, talk, "One-loop Gluon Amplitudes with Generalised Unitarity", Conference of the "Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft", Karlsruhe, March 2011
- P.Kant, talk, "State-of-the-Art Predictions for the Light Higgs Boson Mass in the MSSM", Conference of the "Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft", Karlsruhe, March 2011
- B.Biedermann, talk, "One-loop Gluon Amplitudes with Generalised Unitarity", LHCphenonet Kick-off meeting, Valencia, Feb 2011
- P.Uwer: "Theory Outlook", invited talk "German LHC Physics School and Workshop 2010", 27 Sep. 2010 - 1.10.2010, DESY Hamburg.
- P.Uwer: Exercises on "Renormalisation and Effective Field Theories", Herbstschule Maria Laach, Sep. 2010.
- P.Uwer: Invited contribution: "Top-quark production at the Tevatron and LHC", Conference on high energy physics, (ICHEP), Paris, July, 2010
- P.Uwer: Contribution to the workshop: "Higher orders for LHC - HO10", CERN theory workshop, July 2010.
- P.Uwer: "Theory Overview", talk, Workshop on top-quark physics, Hamburg June, 2010.
- P.Uwer: Workshop on top-quark physics, "Top2010", Bruge, May 2010.
- P.Uwer: Convener QCD, Conference of the "Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft", March 15-19, Bonn, Germany
- B.Biedermann, talk, "Computation of one-loop gluon amplitudes", Conference of the "Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft", March 15-19, Bonn, Germany
- P.Uwer: Invited contribution: "Measuring the running top-quark mass", XLVth Rencontres de Moriond
Electroweak Interactions and Unifiied Theories, March 6-13 2010 La Thuile, Italy - P.Uwer: Convener Track 3 "Methodology of Computations in Theoretical Physics", 13th International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research. Jaipur, India, February 22-27, 2010
- P.Uwer: Schmöckwitz Symposium, Jan. 15-16, 2010, Schmöckwitz
- U. Langenfeld: Invited Talk "Constraints on SUSY particles from Collider physics and Cosmology",Würzburg, 22 Dec 2009
- P.Uwer: Contribution to the Midterm evaluation of the Helmholtz Alliance HA-101 "Physics at the Terascale", "The Viewpoint of the Young Investigator groups", (Talk), 30.11.2009, Hamburg.
- P.Uwer: Invited talk "Top quark theory", Hadron Collider Physics Symposium HCP2009, Evian 15-20 Nov 2009
- P. Uwer: Contribution to Startup-Workshop: Center of Computational Sciences Adlershof (CCSA), "Computational Aspects of Theoretical Particle Physics"
- P. Kant: Talk given at the 3rd Annual Workshop of the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale", DESY Hamburg, "Three-loop Corrections to the Mass of the Light Higgs Boson in the MSSM"
- U. Langenfeld: Talk given at the 3rd Annual Workshop of the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale", DESY Hamburg, "MSbar mass determination of the top quark"
- U. Langenfeld: Exercise, "alpha_s evolution", PDF School 2009, Hamburg, October 2009.
- P.Uwer: Invited talk, "Top quark pair production in association with an additional jet: Phenomenological results at next-to-leading order QCD", QCD2009, Berlin, October 2009.
- P.Uwer: Contribution to: Expedition ins Universum Wissenschaft, Tage der Forschung 2009, September 2009
- P.Uwer: "Single-Top Workshop" DESY Hamburg, September 2009
- P.Uwer: Lecture on: "Monte Carlo Methods in High energy physics", Helmholtz International School - Workshop Calculations for Modern and Future Colliders", JINR, Dubna, Russia, July 2009.
- P.Uwer: CERN-TH-Institut: Top-quark physics, May/June 2009
- P.Uwer: Invited Talk: "Hadronic top quark pair production in association with a hard jet at next-to-leading order QCD" at DIS 2009, April 2009, Madrid
- P.Uwer: Lecture on: "Efficient Computing", DESY School CAPP: "Computer Algebra and Particle Physics", March 2009
- P.Uwer: CERN-TH-Institut: LHC2FC workshop (LHC for Future Colliders), February 2009