Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mathematisch-Naturwissen­schaft­liche Fakultät - Phenomenology of Elementary Particle Physics beyond the Standard Model

Tools & Toys

Before using any software offered on this page please read first the following disclaimer.
Bitte lesen Sie vor der Benutzung der hier zur Verfügung gestellten Software den nachstehenden Hinweis.

The programs distributed here are free software; you can redistribute them and/or modify them.

These programs are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

These programs are provided "as is" and "with all faults", especially without representations or warranties of any kind concerning the safety, suitability, lack of viruses, inaccuracies, typographical errors, or other harmful components of these programs. There are inherent dangers in the use of any software, and you are solely responsible for determining whether these programs are compatible with your equipment and other software installed on your equipment. You are also solely responsible for the protection of your equipment and backup of your data, and there will be no liability for any damages you may suffer in connection with using, modifying, or distributing these programs.

By downloading any of the programs provided on this page you agree to the above disclaimer.


Die hier zur Verfügung gestellten Programme sind freie Software; sie können weitergegeben und/oder modifiziert werden.

Diese Programme werden in der Hoffnung zur Verfügung gestellt, dass sie nützlich sind, jedoch ohne jegliche Garantie sowohl ohne Gewährleistung der Gebrauchstauglichkeit oder Eignung für einen speziellen Zweck.

Diese Programme werden im "ist-Zustand" zur Verfügung gestellt "mit allen Fehlern", im Besonderen ohne Risikoübernahme und ohne jegliche Garantie bezüglich Sicherheit, Eignung, Virusfreiheit, Ungenauigkeiten, typografischer Fehler oder anderer schädlicher Komponenten der Programme. Jede Benutzung von Software birgt immanente Gefahren und Prüfung der Kompatibilität der Programme mit jeweiligem Gerät bzw. anderer auf dem Gerät installierter Software liegt alleinig in der Verantwortung des Nutzers. Genauso verhält es sich mit dem Schutz des Geräts and der Sicherung der Daten, weshalb keine Haftbarkeit für jeglichen Schaden in Verbindung mit der Nutzung, Veränderung oder Weitergabe dieser Programme besteht.

Durch das Herunterladen eines Programmes von dieser Seite stimmen Sie obigem Haftungsausschluss zu.

AutoDipole - Automated generation of dipole subtraction terms

The package implements the Catani-Seymour subtraction method used to handle
collinear and soft singularities in real corrections.

Written by: K. Hasegawa, S. Moch, P.Uwer
Published in: Comput.Phys.Commun.181:1802-1817,2010
e-Print Archive: arXiv:0911.4371

The AutoDipole package  can be downloaded here.

Lectures notes from a presentation at the "Computer Algebra and Particle Physics 2009"
(CAPP 2009) school can be found here.


CANONICA - Algorithmic transformation of multi-loop master integrals to a canonical basis

The integration of differential equations of Feynman integrals can be greatly facilitated by using a canonical basis. CANONICA implements a recently developed algorithm to automatize the transformation to a canonical basis. The transformation is computed by expanding the transformation law in the regulator and solving the resulting equations with a rational ansatz. CANONICA is applicable to differential equations depending on multiple scales.

The algorithm implemented in CANONICA has been described in arXiv:1611.01087.

eprint:  arXiv:1705.06252

The package can be downloaded here (md5sum: fb246b68a98ff68cc9607fdfeebbd789)

For the most recent version also check


HATHOR - HAdronic Top and Heavy quarks crOss section calculatoR

Hathor calculates the total cross section for top-quark pair production in hadronic collisions.
The program takes into account recent theoretical developments such as approximate
next-to-next-to-leading order perturbative QCD corrections and it allows for studies of
the theoretical uncertainty by separate variations of the factorization and renormalization
scales. In addition it offers the possibility to obtain the cross section as a function of the
running top-quark mass. A GUI to simplify the usage is included as well.

Written by: M. Aliev, H. Lacker, U. Langenfeld, S. Moch, P. Uwer and M. Wiedermann
Published in: – HATHOR – HAdronic Top and Heavy quarks crOss section calculatoR
e-Print archive: arXiv: 1007.1327

The latest version of Hathor can be obtained here.


ICE - the Integration-By-Parts Chooser of Equations

In multiloop calculations, when reducing a set of scalar integrals to master integrals, one often faces the problem that the Integration-By-Parts (IBP) and Lorentz Invariance (LI) identities used in the reduction are not linearly independent.  Consequently, much time
is spent processing redundant information.

ICE implements a simple Monte Carlo algorithm that identifies a maximal linearly independent set of IBP and/or LI identities.  It is meant to be used prior to a reduction with Laporta's Algorithm.

Written by: P. Kant
e-Print Archive: arXiv:1309.7287

The package can be downloaded here


Kira - A Feynman Integral Reduction Program

With Kira, we present a new implementation of the Laporta algorithm to reduce scalar multi-loop integrals---appearing in quantum field theoretic calculations---to a set of master integrals. We extend existing approaches by using an additional algorithm based on modular arithmetic to remove linearly dependent equations from the system of equations arising from integration-by-parts and Lorentz identities. Furthermore, the algebraic manipulations required in the back substitution are optimized. The algorithmic improvements lead to a significant increase in the performance with respect to previously available programs.

Written by:  Philipp Maierhoefer, Johann Usovitsch, Peter Uwer

Published in:

eprint: arXiv:1705.05610

Kira versions 1.1 and 1.2 can be obtained here.

For the latest versions please visit the corresponding gitlab repository for Kira here.


NGluon: A Package to Calculate One-loop Multi-gluon Amplitudes

We present a computer library for the numerical evaluation of colour-ordered n-gluon
amplitudes at one-loop order in pure Yang-Mills theory. The library uses the recently developed
technique of generalised unitarity. Running in double precision the library yields
reliable results for up to 14 gluons with only a small fraction of events requiring a
re-evaluation using extended floating point arithmetic. We believe that the library presented
here provides an important contribution to future LHC phenomenology. The program may also prove
useful in cross checking results obtained by other methods. In addition the code provides a
sample implementation which may serve as a starting point for further developments

Written by: S. Badger, B. Biedermann and P.Uwer
Published in: NGluon: A Package to Calculate One-loop Multi-gluon Amplitudes

e-print archive: arXiv1011.2900

NGluon-1.0 can be obtained here (md5sum: 38ffeb1edae261ab35ec01a6d668ded8)

On some operating systems the file system cannot distinguish between files called NGluon.cpp and ngluon.cpp. On these systems version 1.0 will not compile. To address this issue we have renamed in version NGluon-1.1 the source file ngluon.cpp into NGluon-demo.cpp. The corresponding executable is now NGluon-demo.

NGluon-1.1 can be obtained here (md5sum: 69f53091d2f64651ed6d32ad0593c6ff).


NJET -- Numerical evaluation of virtual corrections to multi-jet production in massless QCD.

The NJET package allows the computation of QCD scattering amplitudes including massless quarks at next-to-leading order (NLO) accuracy. As basic building blocs the library calculates primitive amplitudes involving gluons and massless quarks. The multiplicity of the primitive amplitudes is only restricted by numerical accuracy and runtime. Extended precision arithmetics can be used to improve the numerical accuracy. In addition, the package provides explicit results for all color summed squared matrix elements required for four jet and five jet production in hadronic collisions at NLO accuracy. The package has been applied recently to calculate the four jet production at NLO accuracy.

Written by: S.Badger, B.Biedermann, P.Uwer, V.Yundin

Published in: "Numerical evaluation of virtual corrections to multi-jet production in massless QCD", arXiv:1209.0100

The calculation of the four jet cross section is described in "NLO QCD corrections to multi-jet production at the LHC with a centre-of-mass energy of sqrt(s)=8 TeV", arXiv:1209.0098

NJET can be obtained here.

More information can also be found at


XSummer - Transcendental Functions and Symbolic Summation in Form

Harmonic sums and their generalizations are extremely useful in the evaluation of higher-order perturbative corrections in quantum field theory. Of particular interest have been the so-called nested sums,where the harmonic sums and their generalizations appear as building blocks, originating for example from the expansion of generalized hypergeometric functions around integer values of the parameters. XSummer implements several algorithms to solve these sums by algebraic means, using the computer algebra system Form.

Written by S. Moch, P. Uwer.
Published in: Comput.Phys.Commun.174:759-770,2006
e-Print Archive: math-ph/0508008

The package can be downloaded here



EasyNData allows an easy extraction of numerical values from published plots. The EasyNData package can be downloaded here as The zip-file includes the program code EasyNData.jar, two examples as well as a short description of the program. The most recent description of the program be found here as pdffile. An older version is available here. The program alone can be obtained also as EasyNData.jar. To run the program call java -jar EasyNData.jar and follow the instructions outlined in the documentation. Note that the installed Java(TM) version has to be 1.5.0 or later.


No warranty on the correctness of the program is given and use is at own risk.