Teaching summer semester 2024
Teaching winter semester 2023/2024
Teaching summer semester 2023
Teaching winter semester 2022/2023
Teaching summer semester 2022
- Theoretical Physics I: Mechanics and Special Relativity (Module P2.1)
- Group Theory for High Energy Physics (Module P25.1.a)
Teaching winter semester 2021/2022
Teaching summer semester 2021
- Quantum Chromodynamics at Accelerators (Module P24.1.b)
- Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Higgs Physics (Module P22.g)
- Statistical Physics (Module P21)
Teaching winter semester 2020/2021
Teaching summer semester 2020
Teaching winter semester 2019/2020
- Mathematical basics (Module P0)
- Introduction to elementary particle physics (Module P23.1)
- Group Theory for High Energy Physics (Module P25.1.a)
Teaching summer semester 2019
Teaching winter semester 2018/2019
- Theoretical Physics II (Module P2.2)
- Introduction to elementary particle physics (Module P23.1)
- Accompanying tutorial at the start of the physics course (optional)
Teaching summer semester 2018
Teaching winter semester 2017/2018
Teaching summer semester 2017
- Theoretical Physics I (Module P2.1)
- Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Higgs Physics: the Standard Model and beyond
Teaching winter semester 2016/2017
- Mathematical basics (Module P0)
- Scientific Computing (Computational Physics II) (Module P22.a)
- Introduction to elementary particle physics (Module P23.1)
Teaching summer semester 2016
Teaching winter semester 2015/2016
- Scientific Computing (Computational Physics II) (Module P22.1)
- Theoretical introduction to the standard model (module P23.1.1)
Teaching summer semester 2015
- Computer application in physics (Computational Physics I) (Module P5)
- Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) on accelerators
Teaching summer semester 2014
Teaching winter semester 2013/2014
- Theoretical introduction to the standard model (Module P23.1.1)
- Physics at the LHC
- Physics in Practice: Physics Seminar (Module P8)
Teaching summer semester 2013
Teaching winter semester 2012/2013
- Scientific Computing (Computational Physics II) (Module P22.1)
- Theoretical introduction to the standard model (Module P23.1.1)
Teaching summer semester 2012
Teaching winter semester 2011/2012
- Introduction to classical mechanics and thermodynamics (Module P1a)
- Seminar on neutrino physics
Teaching summer semester 2011
Teaching winter semester 2010/2011
Teaching summer semester 2010
Teaching winter semester 2009/2010
- Advanced Quantum Mechanics (Module P9)
- Theoretical introduction to the standard model (Module P23.1.1)
- Material for current lectures
Teaching summer semester 2009
- Introduction to quantum chromodynamics for master and diploma students
- Supplementary lecture on analytical mechanics (optional for bachelor students)