Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Women* at the Department of Physics

Gendersensitive Language

Humboldt-Universität sees itself as a place where gender equality is practiced and diversity is valued. The use of gender-equitable and non-discriminatory language in text and images is part of this self-image.

Guidelines for gender-equitable (visual) language

The brochure “Language is diverse - HU guidelines for gender-equitable language”
offers a compact and application-oriented overview of how inclusive language can be implemented in everyday university life. The guide was developed by the Central Women's Representative and her team and was adopted by the university management in December 2019 as a recommendation for all HU members. Since language is alive and constantly evolving, you will also find additions and updates here, for example on more accessible genders.


  • PDF-Version of the guidelines (German only) for Download
  • The print version of the language guide is available in the office of the Central Women's Representative. You are welcome to order and pick up copies for your area.

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