Theory of excitations in low-dimensional systems
Since April 1st, 2020, part of the group has been relocated to the Unversity of Oldenburg.
Welcome to the website of the EOS Group!
In the ancient Greek mythology, EOS was the goddess of dawn. Here, it stands for Excitations in lOw-dimensional Systems.
The interaction between light and matter is a fascinating topic with relevant techological implications in the fields of optoelectronics, photovoltaics, light-harvesting, photonics and more. When materials are tailored to the nanoscale, even more exciting phenomena take place upon their interaction with electromagnetic fields. Our goal is to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental physical processes involved in light-matter interaction and their dynamics, in view of reproducing, redesigning, and tailoring these phenomena.
Our research addresses different materials, including bulk solids, organic materials, low-dimensional system and hybrid inorganic/organic interfaces. For this purpose, we adopt and develop advanced first principles methods, based on time-dependent density-functional theory and many-body perturbation theory.
Do you want to find our more about us and our work? Check for our current Research Projects, list of Publications and Job Offers on the menu bar on the left side.