Summer Term 2017
Date | Title | Speaker |
19.04.17 | First Meeting | |
26.04.17 | Chiral Perturbation Theory | Oliver Baer |
03.05.17 | Break (SM@LHC) | |
10.05.17 | Introduction to Lattice QCD | Martin Hasenbusch |
17.05.17 | Break (Interviews) | |
24.05.17 | Numerical Loop Integration - I | Manfred Kraus |
29.05.17 | Introductory Talk | Christophe Grojean |
31.05.17 | Numerical Loop Integration - II |
Manfred Kraus |
07.06.17 | Anomalies in Flavor and B Physics | Peter Galler |
14.06.17 | Diskussion - Coleman & Mandula Theorem | Sascha Peitsch |
21.06.17 | Diskussion - Coleman & Mandula Theorem | Group |
28.06.17 | Current status of Alpha_S determination | Rainer Sommer |
05.07.17 | Cancelled | |
12.07.17 | Anomalies in the Standard Model | Bas Tausk |
19.07.17 | Paper discussion: Top mass from Asymptotic safety (arXiv:1707.01107) | Stefan Mölbitz |