Summer Term 2019
Date | Title | Speaker/Discussion leader |
10.04.19 | First Meeting | |
17.04.19 | Distribution of Topics | |
24.04.19 | Introduction to Parton Showers | Manfred Kraus |
01.05.19 | Tag der Arbeit | |
08.05.19 | Parton shower matching @ NLO | Manfred Kraus |
15.05.19 | Status report | Jacob Budau |
22.05.19 | ||
29.05.19 | Elliptical Integrals (cancelled) | Bas Tausk |
05.06.19 | Frequentist hypotheses testing | Lina Alasfar |
12.06.19 | Status report | Lina Alasfar |
19.06.19 | Perturbative Unitarity | Ramona Groeber |
26.06.19 | Elliptical Integrals | Bas Tausk |
03.07.19 | Rehearsal | Lina Alasfar |
10.07.19 | EPS conference | |
14.08.19 | The Dipole Subtraction Formalism (special time: 13:00) | Felix Gamst |
28.08.19 | Produktion Dunkler Materie am LHC: spin-0 vs. spin-1 | Maximilian Schild |
11.09.19 | Monte-Carlo integration | Felix Gamst |