Summer Term 2015
Date | Title | Speaker |
15.04.15 | 331 models | L.D.Ninh |
29.04.15 | Masterarbeit | R. Brose |
06.05.15 | 331 models | L.D.Ninh |
13.05.15 | 331 models | L.D.Ninh |
20.05.15 | 331 models | L.D.Ninh |
27.05.15 | 2 Higgs doublet models (2HDM) | P. Galler |
03.06.15 | Matrix element method | T. Martini |
10.06.15 | Differential Eqs for multiloop calculation |
C. Meyer |
17.06.15 | Differential Eqs for multiloop calculation | C. Meyer |
24.06.15 | Differential Eqs for multiloop calculation | C. Meyer |
01.07.15 | ttbar Production via Heavy Higgs Bosons within the 2HDM | P. Galler |
08.07.15 | Single top-quark production + 2 jets at NLO in QCD | S. Mölbitz |
15.07.15 | Single top production with Higgs boson emission at LO | S. Peitzsch |