Winter Term 2019/2020
Date | Title | Speaker/Discussion leader |
09.10.19 | First Meeting | |
23.10.19 | Distribution of Topics/Organizational stuff | |
30.10.19 | Current Status of NNLO QCD Corrections for Top Quark Pair Production with an Additional Jet at Lepton Colliders | Sascha Peitzsch |
06.11.19 | Calculating Massive Twoloop Feynman Integrals with Differential Equations | Sascha Peitzsch |
13.11.19 | Calculating Massive Twoloop Feynman Integrals with Differential Equations (continued) | Sascha Peitzsch |
20.11.19 | Calculating Massive Twoloop Feynman Integrals with Differential Equations (continued) | Sascha Peitzsch |
27.11.19 | Hadronische Top-Quark-Paarproduktion auf NLO (postponed to Dec 11th) | Turan Nuraliyev |
04.12.19 | Fermion Traces Without Evanescence | Nikolai Zerf |
11.12.19 | Hadronische Top-Quark-Paarproduktion auf NLO | Turan Nuraliyev |
18.12.19 | Electroweak Loops as a Probe of New Physics in tt̄ Production at the LHC |
Till Martini |
08.01.20 | Organizational stuff | |
15.01.20 | Thermodynamik am Beispiel des Kältekreislaufs einer Fahrzeug-Klimaanlage | Jacob Budau |
22.01.20 | Organizational stuff | |
29.01.20 | Factorization, DGLAP, QCD improved parton model ... | Peter Uwer |
05.02.20 | Master students Q&A | |
12.02.20 | Two loop QCD calculation of the gg-> Z (off shell) | Lina Alasfar |