Winter Term 2015/2016
Date | Title | Speaker |
14.10.15 | First meeting | Group |
28.10.15 | Statistical Significance for Discovery | P.Galler |
04.11.15 | The simplest 3-3-1 model | L.D.Ninh |
11.11.15 | arxiv:0912.0208 | Group |
18.11.15 | paper discussion (cont) | Group |
04.12.15 | top-initiated processes (cancelled) |
S.Westhoff |
09.12.15 | arxiv: 1507.08833 discussion | Group |
16.12.15 | Study of polarization in WZ vector boson scattering |
C.Bittrich |
17.12.15 | Evolution of couplings (Bachelor thesis defence) | M.Thiel |
06.01.16 | Master integrals with diff. equations | C.Meyer |
13.01.16 | tHj production at the LHC | S. Peitzsch |
20.01.16 | How to define single top-quark production |
S. Mölbitz |
27.01.16 | Spin observables in top-quark pair production | P.Galler |
03.02.16 | Cancelled | T.Martini |
10.02.16 | Further discussion regarding MEM@NLO | T.Martini |