Winter Term 2021/2022
Date | Title | Speaker/Discussion leader |
27.10.21 | Distribution of Topics/Organizational stuff | Till Martini |
03.11.21 | Graduate School Retreat | n.a. |
10.11.21 | Loop-Tree Duality for Top and Higgs Phenomenology | Daniele Artico |
17.11.21 | Steps towards NNLO leading color contribution for 𝑍 → 4 𝑗𝑒𝑡𝑠 | Yingxuan Xu |
24.11.21 | The Double Copy of Effective Field Theories | Jasper Roosmale Nepveu |
01.12.21 | tba | tba |
08.12.21 | Master defence | Turan Nuraliyev |
15.12.21 | Integration-by-parts Identities | Jo Reimer |
05.01.22 | tba | tba |
12.01.22 | MEM meets INN | Sascha Peitzsch/Till Martini |
19.01.22 | MEM meets INN | Sascha Peitzsch/Theo Heimel |
26.01.22 | tba | tba |
02.02.22 | tba | tba |
09.02.22 | finite field FiniteFlow | Yingxuan Xu |
16.02.22 | on-shell methods and anomalies | Jasper Roosmale Nepveu |