Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Department of Physics


The women's representative of the physics institute is unavailable at the moment. In urgent cases, please contact the faculty's women's representative or the office of the main women's representative.

Lecture hall cinema: Science Cinema - Picture a Scientist (OmU)

To mark this year's International Women's Day, the MNF Women's Representatives in cooperation with the Hörsaalkino Adlershof invite you to the Science Cinema:

Picture a Scientist (OmU)
on 06.03.2024, entrance from 1:45 pm
Admission free | ESZ lecture hall 0'115

Afterwards we invite you to a small reception with an open discussion.

Picture a Scientist
A documentary film by Ian Cheney that follows three American women scientists in their fight for recognition, respect and equality. A biologist, a chemist and a geologist give insights into their personal experiences of discrimination, sexism and racism in the scientific community.


Training: diversity-competent leadership for university staff of HU in 2024

The diversity workshops offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.
These are offered as six-hour face-to-face events in Adlershof and Mitte as well as in German and English (in Adlershof). In addition, there are compact three-hour online workshops (alternating between German and English) that provide the most important information. However, these offer fewer practical opportunities. In-depth workshops are therefore offered twice a year as a second online course. These are providing an opportunity to put what has been learned into practice.
The workshops focus on the following questions:
- Which diversity approaches are sustainable?
- What is the connection between diversity competence, leadership and representation?
- What is the difference between discrimination/racism and prejudice, why is this understanding important for leading heterogeneous teams?
Based on case vignettes and changes of perspective (including personnel selection and conflict management in teams), you will gain a practical understanding of your own options for action within institutional frameworks.

The following dates will take place in January:
Thursday, 18 January 2024 - 10 am - 5 pm
Humboldt Cabinet, Rudower Chaussee 25 (Campus Adlershof)
Language: German

Wednesday, 24.01.2024 - 10 am - 1.30 pm (first part)
Online via Zoom
Language: English

Monday, 29.01.2024 – 10 am -1.30 pm (first part)
Online via Zoom
Language: German

Wednesday, 31 January 2024 - 10 am - 5 pm
Room 1066e, Unter den Linden 6 (Campus Mitte)
Language: German

The following dates can be booked on the website of the professional development website HU:
Diversity-competent leadership full course in presence (10 am -5 pm) in German
Campus Adlershof: 18.01., 06.06., 12.09.
Campus Mitte: 31.01., 19.04., 15.05., 04.06., 18.09., 15.10.,  05.11.

Diversity Competence Overall Course in Presence (10 am -5 pm) in English
Campus Adlershof:  23.04., 23.05., 18.06., 08.10.

Diversity Competence Leadership Online Course Part 1 (10 am -1.30 pm) in German via Zoom:
29.01., 29.04., 14.05., 10.06. (9-12 am), 10.09., 10.10.

Diversity Competent Leadership Online Course Part 2 (10 am -1.30 pm) in German via Zoom: 10.06. (1-4 pm), 04.11.

Diversity Competence Online Course (10 am -1.30 pm) part 1 via Zoom in English: 24.01., 24.04., 24.05., 24.06., 16.09.

Diversity Competence Online Course (10 am -1.30 pm) part 2 via Zoom in English: 28.06., 16.10.



Erwin Schrödinger-Zentrum – still acceptable as a building name?

When? 05.02.2024 3:00-5.30 pm

Where? Gerthsen-Hörsaal + Foyer im Lise Meitner-Haus (Institut für Physik), Newtonstr.15, 12489 Berlin

A participatory discussion event by "HU im Dialog" in a world café format.

The focus will be on the question how we a university deal with people who are the subject of controversial discussion. Introductory keynote speeches by experts in physics, historical sciences and psychology create the basis for in-depth discussions at topic tables.

More Information


Talk: Two female pioneers in physics: Lise Meitner, Vera Rubin and the stories of the Nuclear Force and Dark Matter

When? Feb 13, 2024 from 03:00 to 05:00 pm

Department Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Beate Heinemann (Direktorin für den Bereich Teilchenphysik, DESY, Hamburg) will talk about: Two female pioneers in physics: Lise Meitner, Vera Rubin and the stories of the Nuclear Force and Dark Matter


Lise Meitner and Vera Rubin were both extraordinary scientists and pioneers as women in the male domain of physics. Lise Meitner was born in Austria in the late 19th century and played a pivotal role during the first quantum revolution, in particular in the understanding of the nuclear force. Vera Rubin was born about 50 years later in the US and already as a child was fascinated by stars. Later she discovered and measured in details the anomalous rotation of stars around galaxies that led to the believe that a halo of Dark Matter must be part of the galaxy, and increases the rotation velocity of the stars. Both of them encountered many obstacles but managed to overcome them due to various factors. I will discuss how they became scientists, their scientific accomplishments and how they overcame the obstacles.

The Colloquium will be held in "hybrid" format, i.e., you can join the talk in the lecture hall or via zoom.
For login data to the zoom session contact

Training: "Unconscious Bias in Research & Science I - Training for Appointment Committee Members" on 20 November 2023 (German) or 27 November 2023 (English) from 9-12 am

We invite you to a training on "Unconscious Bias in Research & Science I - Training for Appointment Committee Members". The event will be held by a trainer from GenderIQ.

When? 20.11.2023 (German) or 27.11.2023 (English) from 9-12 am

Who? Especially members of appointment committees

Where? Online

What is the training about? Automatic stereotypes, prejudices and unconscious bias influence our thoughts and actions every day. What factors decide who we help, who we trust and who we overlook or even devalue? Within milliseconds, we (unconsciously) categorise other people. However, unconscious bias not only leads to pigeonholing, but also to these pigeonholes becoming smaller and smaller. Tunnel vision, poor decisions, exclusion and discrimination are the result. The training shows why our brain forms pigeonholes, what is problematic about them and what we can do about it. You will learn the necessary skills to create an environment in which everyone has a fair chance.

Please register by sending an e-mail to stating your name.

The number of participants is limited, so please register as soon as possible if you are interested.
If you have any questions, please contact us at the above e-mail address or by telephone on +49(30)2093-82008.


Workshops: Mutausbruch - Strong stance against sexualized harassment and violence


For the third time, this workshop is being held at Humboldt-Universität as part of the International Day against Violence against Women. We are pleased to be able to also offer the workshop in English this time.

When: 25.11. in German and 09.12. in English
Where: NEW 15

The workshop is about

- a positive approach to self-confidence and self-esteem
- a thematic discussion of different forms of violence, e.g. verbal and physical violence
- guided exercises for showing boundaries
- practical techniques and strategies for self-assertion
- a final relaxation exercise

Please register by sending an e-mail to stating your name. Further information after registration.

The number of participants is limited, so please register as soon as possible if you are interested.
If you have any questions, please use the above e-mail address or call at +49(30)2093-82008.

Office Day 06.07.2023

The AG Entgeltgerechtigkeit für Sekretariate (Union on Salary Equity for Secretaries) invites you to the first university-wide Office Day at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin on Thursday, 06.07.2023 from 9:00-13:00 in the auditorium of the Grimm-Zentrum.

We are looking forward to exciting lectures on the topic of pay equity. In addition, various departments of the HU will introduce themselves. The President will open the event. All secretarial staff in particular, but also interested employees in other administrative positions at the university are warmly invited.

We ask for a binding registration by email to by 22.06.23 at the latest. For more information on the AG Entgeltgerechtigkeit für Sekretariate, please contact:

Disclaimer:the event will be in German only 

Awareness Week against Gender-based Discrimination and Violence 26.06.2023 - 01.07.2023

The week will start with a panel with the author Lilian Schwerdtner and end with an empowerment workshop.

Panel: "Break the silence" - and what happens afterwards? (orig. „Brich das Schweigen“ – und was passiert danach?)
Discussion on the topic of speaking and keeping silent about gender-based violence at universities
Mon 26.06. / 18:00 - 20:00 / Auditorium in the Grimm-Zentrum


Webinar-ID: 659 2991 9238

Awareness day against gender-based discrimination and violence
Interactive flyer action together with the decentralised women's representatives
Wed 28.06. / different locations on the HU campus
from 10-14 h in the foyer of the Physics Institute

Empowerment workshop - speaking out strongly in the face of sexualised harassment and violence
Workshop for a positive approach to self-confidence and self-assertion
Fri 30.06. 13:00 - 17:00 or Sat 01.07. 11:00 - 15:00 / main building / Unter den Linden 6 / room 2070A



Call for applications

Dear members of the Institute of Physics,

The Commission for the Empowerment of Women at the Institute of Physics still has funds to spend until the end of the year and the call is open to submit applications for the co-financing of measures for the advancement of women*. Both larger projects and individuals can be funded. In the past, applications have been approved for i.e. transitional funding for the completion of qualification work/thesis scholarships, professional development courses and workshops, conference participation, short-term childcare, funding for guest researchers*, stays abroad, language courses, funding for the implementation of own research ideas and urgently needed work materials. This financial support is not only available to full-time employees of Humboldt-Universität, but also explicitly to female* students.

Applications can be submitted formless at any time to the Women's Advancement Commission (by email to For funds that are to be spent by the end of this year, however, the deadline is 18.09.2022. Applications should explain how the measure serves to promote women*. The group's own contribution is also required (if the person to be funded is a member of a group), as well as a statement explaining why the group cannot finance the project itself.

If you are unsure about the application or eligibility for funding, I will be happy to provide advice.


26. German Conference of Women in Physics

Dear women* at the Institute of Physics,
from 24th to 27th November, the German Conference of Women in Physics will take place, online and in Karlsruhe. 10 female* students will get the possibility to have their conference fees reimbursed and to receive travel and accommodation allowances. A conference contribution such as a poster or lecture is not required.
Conference fees will be reimbursed up to the amount of the early-bird fee. However, the conference dinner will only be funded for those without a Master's degree. We can cover travel costs and accommodation up to a maximum of 150€ per person.
If you are interested, please send me an email ( by 14.09.
Early-bird registration is open until 30.09. at