Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Department of Physics


Upcoming events at WINS Adlershof/Graduiertenzentrum Adlershof

Workshops & events for female scientists

15.11.2024, 9:30-17:00, Adlershof (HU-Kabinett)
WorkshopWhat's next? Career planning inside and outside academiawith Dr. Annika Bartsch

25.11.204, 16:00-19:00, Adlershof (a:head-area)
Networking WINS Circle Meeting - for all former and current participants the perfect opportunity to (re)connect, exchange experiences, and network

5.12.2024, 13:00-17:00, Adlershof (HU-Kabinett)
Workshop Embracing failure and challenging performace pressure in academia with Maria Velte & Sylvana Jahre

Further events for all genders

08.10.2024, 16-17:30, Adlershof (a:head area, Rudower Chaussee 24, 12489 Berlin
CAMPUS CLUB ADLERSHOF: Future talks! "Transitioning from academia to industry" by CCDA in partnership with WISTA
Featured guest: Dr. Gabrielle Thomas (group leader marketing for Menlo Systems, PhD in laser physics)

Career paths after the doctorate can go in many different directions - also beyond academia. Career transitioning from academia to industry can be a longer process. Navigating what can feel like an overwhelming number of branching paths is a challenge for those finishing up a PhD. You'll find many books and articles on that issue. However, sometimes it is more effective to get personal testimonials from people who have taken this step and share their experiences in finding fulfilling and motivating careers.

17.10.2024, 9:30-17:00, Adlershof (HU-Kabinett)
Workshop Conflict Management: Constructively managing conflicts in science with Dr. Neela Enke

Conflicts in research organisations can be manifold: between members of different status groups, the delimitation of one‘s own research interests, dealing with competitive situations or the negotiation of working conditions. The formal and informal interdependency between conflict parties also plays an important role.

This workshop challenges popular views of conflict and presents a positive understanding of conflictive processes. We will discuss how to address conflicts in a constructive manner and how to communicate and act professionally when in conflict. The workshop provides a platform to discuss and try out different strategies taking examples and individual experiences of the participants into account. Through trainer input, guided self-reflection and discussion, participants will work to build their confidence for these future challenges.

22.10.2024, 14:00-16:00
Online Workshop Series „Writing a PhD in science"
#1 Publishing in Nature Portfolio journals

The talk "Publishing in Nature Portfolio journals" will be held by Dr. Silvia Conti, one of the editors of Nature Reviews Electrical Engineering, and is intended to cover the essential aspects of scientific writing and publishing with a strong emphasis on Nature journal standards and best practices. The presentation will provide the opportunity to learn about the Nature family of journals and its hierarchy. We will touch upon the editorial criteria, content types and peer-review process. Finally, the key strategies for writing a scientific publication will be presented with the emphasis on the differences between the publication process in Nature Reviews and Nature Research journals.



11.11.2024, 11:00-16:00 (Erwin Schrödinger-Zentrum, Rudower Chaussee 26, 12489 Berlin)
Adlershof Research Forum

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the research network IGAFA e. V. and WISTA Management GmbH cordially invite you to the Adlershof Research Forum (AFF), which offers insights into research highlights from Adlershof at the end of Berlin Science Week.
This is a great opportunity to present your research to a broad audience, receive valuable feedback and win a prize: 500 EUR will be awarded for the best poster! (Application deadline: 14.10.2024). Kick-off is an exciting pitching session where you get to present your poster in one minute - perfect for attracting attention and generating interest!
Registration for the poster session

Future WINS: Cross-sections and interfaces in science, careers, and communication

The upcoming edition of Future WINS will look into the exciting developments occurring at the interfaces between different fields. In today's rapidly changing world, disruptive innovation often happens where disciplines intersect. Future WINS will focus on:

  • Interdisciplinary Innovation: Explore how combining knowledge from different areas leads to creativity and breakthrough
  • Inspiring Career Paths: Discover how diverse experiences and transitioning between fields can contribute to personal growth and open up unique opportunities
  • Effective Communication: Learn why clear communication is essential for collaborating successfully and connecting to a wide audience

Future WINS will bring together a community of natural scientists and put the spotlight on interdisciplinary challenges, in particular in the fields of energy research, environmental and material sciences. The aim of this biannual event is to empower and give visibility to excellent early career researchers mainly. As experts in their fields they will act as role models and thus inspire participants with their unique career path. The conference is free of charge and open to participants of all genders and career levels. Don't miss the opportunity to present your research with a poster and win a poster prize! (deadline for poster submission: 15.10.2024)


Career Program

Work hier! Young academics career program in cooperation with WISTA, Agentur für Arbeit, Berlin Partner and HZB

The Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan region requires highly qualified young people for a dynamic and growing job market, in particular in the natural sciences and technology. At the same time, a significant number of international scientists graduate from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin every year.

Numerous are interested in working in industry later on, and many of them want to stay in Berlin. At the same time, they have little knowledge of the job market in the metropolitan region and concrete job prospects locally: from DAX-listed corporations to small and medium-sized companies and a dynamic start-up scene, there are a variety of interesting entry-level opportunities for everyone, e.g. in the areas of research and development.

With “Work hier!”, we make it easier for young scientists to start a successful career in Berlin-Brandenburg. The program is targeted at international PhD candidates and postdocs.

Infomeeting: 07.11. 13-14h, hybrid

Deadline for applications: 30.11.

Training: diversity-competent leadership for university staff of HU in 2024

The diversity workshops offer an introduction to the basics of diversity-competent leadership for university staff.
These are offered as six-hour face-to-face events in Adlershof and Mitte as well as in German and English (in Adlershof). In addition, there are compact three-hour online workshops (alternating between German and English) that provide the most important information. However, these offer fewer practical opportunities. In-depth workshops are therefore offered twice a year as a second online course. These are providing an opportunity to put what has been learned into practice.
The workshops focus on the following questions:
- Which diversity approaches are sustainable?
- What is the connection between diversity competence, leadership and representation?
- What is the difference between discrimination/racism and prejudice, why is this understanding important for leading heterogeneous teams?
Based on case vignettes and changes of perspective (including personnel selection and conflict management in teams), you will gain a practical understanding of your own options for action within institutional frameworks.

The following dates can be booked on the website of the professional development website HU:
Diversity-competent leadership full course in presence (10 am -5 pm) in German
Campus Adlershof: 18.01., 06.06., 12.09.
Campus Mitte: 31.01., 19.04., 15.05., 04.06., 18.09., 15.10.,  05.11.

Diversity Competence Overall Course in Presence (10 am -5 pm) in English
Campus Adlershof:  23.04., 23.05., 18.06., 08.10.

Diversity Competence Leadership Online Course Part 1 (10 am -1.30 pm) in German via Zoom:
29.01., 29.04., 14.05., 10.06. (9-12 am), 10.09., 10.10.

Diversity Competent Leadership Online Course Part 2 (10 am -1.30 pm) in German via Zoom: 10.06. (1-4 pm), 04.11.

Diversity Competence Online Course (10 am -1.30 pm) part 2 via Zoom in English: 28.06., 16.10.