Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Strukturforschung / Elektronenmikroskopie

Bachelor / Master Projects

Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

Our group offers a number of topics that can be tailored to fit either a Master thesis or a Bachelor thesis. Some of these projects are more theoretical and involve quite a bit of programming (Matlab, Python, or C/C++) while others are more focused on hands-on experiments, either at the electron microscope, or various optical microscopes.

Current list of available projects:

Please contact either the contact provided with each of the project descriptions, or Prof. C. Koch in case you would like to have more information.

Student projects can be written in either German or English.

Completed Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral Theses:


  • Jan Niklas Beier (BSc.): "Simulation of diffuser-based phase imaging with partially coherent illumination"
  • Marcel Schloz (Dr. rer. nat.) "Advancing Electron Ptychography for High-Resolution Imaging in Electron Microscopy"
  • Anton Gladyshev (MSc): "Vibration-Corrected Ptychographic Imaging"
  • Sam Fairman (Dr. rer. nat.) "Structure Factor Retrieval from Large-Angle Rocking-Beam Electron Diffraction"
  • Johannes Müller (Dr. rer. nat.) "Transmission diffraction in a scanning electron microscope with pixelated detectors: Development and applications"


  • Grigory Kornilov (BSc.): "Investigation into the use of artificial neural networks for inversion of LARBED data"
  • Maurice Haffner (MSc.): "Computational Noise correction in 4D-STEM"
  • Patrick Dieu (MSc.): "Rekonstruktion von kristallinen Strukturen"


  • Guangyu He (MSc): "Determining Regularization and Simulating the Electron Beam in Non-translational Ptychography"
  • Felix Bär (MSc): "Untersuchung der kristallstruktur und Strahlempfindlichkeit von natürlichen Halbedelsteinen"
  • Bendix Hartlaub (BSc): "Quantification of surface quality on arbitrary shaped additively manufactured parts based on computed tomography" (extern, BAM)
  • Anton Gladyshev (BSc): "Methods of Electron Diffraction Pattern Compression for Ptychography based on a Change of Basis"
  • Evely Stangneth (BSc): "Improving contrast and resolution in electron ptychography of macromolecules in vitreous ice"
  • Franziska Voigt (MSc): "Decomposition of the Modulation Transfer Function into Shape Errors" (extern, Carl Zeiss Meditec)
  • Fanny Ziethen (BEd): "Modellierung des Ionenätzprozesses in der Präparation von Proben für die Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie"
  • Simon Barg (BSc): "Ultrafast Electron Diffraction of Molecules"
  • Meng Zhao (MSc): "Partially coherent raytracing simulations of multi-lens optical systems"
  • Maurice Haffner (BSc): "Machine learning for automated analysis of S/TEM images"
  • Patrick-Nigel Hildebrandt (MSc): "Time-, momentum- and towards branch-resolved phonon dynamics in MoS2" (extern, FHI)
  • Jie Chen (MSc): "Application of Deep learning Method in analyzing Electron Diffraction Data"
  • Theresa Ober (BSc): "Image processing methods for quantitative convergent-beam electron diffraction pattern comparison"
  • Sven Feja (MEd): "Aufzeigen der Übertragungsmöglichkeit von Licht- und Elektronenbeugung anhand der Erzeugung von Moiré-Mustern an zweidimensionalen Graphen-Bilayern, didaktisch reduziert für die Nutzung in der Sekundarstufe II"


  • Karl Härtel (BSc): "Strategies for overcoming ill-conditionedness and local optima in derivative-based ptychography algorithms"
  • Noa_h Dasch (BSc): "The influence of van der Waals effects on electron microscopy simulations obtained from electrostatic potentials of graphene systems computed by density functional theory"
  • Anne Kathrin Gerlach (BSc): "Optimierung der experimentellen Parameter für die Rekonstruktion dreidimensionaler mikroskopischer Objekte aus Reflexionsbildern"
  • Christian Mirek (BSc): "REM und 4D-STEM Untersuchung der Nanostruktur des menschlichen Zahnschmelzes in Milch- und bleibenden Zähnen: gleiches Material für unterschiedliche Nutzungsdauer?"
  • Mara Voiculescu (BSc): "Low voltage transmission electron diffraction experiments of multilayer 2D materials"
  • Fabian Peschel (MSc): "Structure Reconstruction of Amorphous Materials from TEM Images"
  • Konstantin Skudler (MSc): "Structure Reconstruction of Amorphous Materials
    from Transmission Electron Microscopy Images"


  • Vinzenz Zimmermann (BSc): "Nahfeldptychographie mit Licht"
  • Josina Gränitz (BSc): "Experimentelle Untersuchungen der Kristallstruktur von Perlmutt an Haloitis iris mittels Rasterelektronenmikroskopie und -beugung"


  • Tillmann Wieland (MSc): "Automated Analysis of 2D Electron Diffraction Rocking Curves"
  • Fabian Peschel (BSc): "Rekonstruktion der Struktur amorpher Materialien aus Elektronenbeugungsdaten"
  • Leon Schwonburg (BSc): "Experimente zur Untersuchung der Kornstruktur polykristallinen Aluminiums mittels Elektronenbeugung im Rasterelektronenmikroskop"
  • Alexander Spyrantis (BSc): "Untersuchung der richtungsabhängigen Rückstreuung von Elektronen an polykristallinen Materialien im Rasterelektronenmikroskop"
  • Tim S. Bechtel (BSc): "Using SOAP to describe the structure of amorphous materials"


  • Felix Bär (BSc): "Untersuchung von Kameraeigenschaften für die Detektion schneller Elektronen im Rasterelektronenmikroskop"
  • Konstantin Skudler (BSc): "Rekonstruktion der Struktur amorpher Materialien aus
  • Jonas Konrad Weinrich (MSc): "TEM-Analyse von Versetzungen in siliziumdotiertem Galliumnitrid"
  • Till Ziegler (MSc): "Applying Density Functional Theory to AlN-Gan Heterostructures: Calculating Input Data for Transmission Electron Microscope Image Simulations"
  • Patrick-Nigel Hildebrandt (BSc): "Gitterdynamik von schwarzem Phosphor untersucht mit zeitaufgelöster Elektronenbeugung" (external, Fritz-Haber-Institut)
  • Sam Fairman (MSc): "Implementation of Quantitative Diffraction Methods in the Scanning Electron Microscope"


  • Paul Richter (BSc): "Vermessung von Makromolekülen mittels TEM"
  • Robin Winter (MSc): "Deep Artifical Neural Networks for High-Content Screen Analysis" (external, Bayer AG)


  • Hannes Zschiesche (MSc): "ELNES fingerprinting of Novel Oxide Semiconductors"