Transmission Electron Microscopes |
STEM Nion HERMES 200 kV monochromated and aberration-corrected |
- 200 kV, field emission gun
- monochromated (energy resolution < 6 meV)
- aberration-corrected (probe size at 200 kV < 0.07 nm)
- side entry stage (double-tilt cryo holder with electrical contacts, etc.)
- direct detector for EELS and zero-loss filtered diffraction (Dectris)
- sample in ultra-high vacuum
 (click on image to enlarge) |
- 200 kV, field emission gun
UHR pole piece
1k slow-scan CCD camera (Gatan)
ASTAR system (NanoMegas) including Beam precession unit, SNBD system, ACOM software
BF STEM detector
HAADF STEM detector
Electron biprism
Digiscan system (Gatan)
In-column energy filter
LN2 free energy dispersive X-ray SD detector (Bruker)
TEM/STEM FEI TITAN 80-300 Image Cs-corrected |
Cryo-TEM JEOL JEM2100 cryo |
Access via Joint Laboratory for Electron Microscopy Adlershof (JEMA) in cooperation with Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth
Access via Joint Laboratory for Structural Research (JLSR) in cooperation with Helmholtz Centre Berlin and Technical University Berlin
- 300 kV, field emission gun
CEOS image Cs-corrector
2k x 2k camera
Scanning Electron Microscope |
Zeiss GeminiSEM 500 |
- NanoVP Option
- In-lens SE detector
- In-lens EsB detector
- BSE 4-Quandrant detector
- STEM detector
- Bruker XFlash 6|30 EDX system
- Raith ELPHY Quantum Lithography system
- Custom stages for 4D-STEM
TEM Sample Preparation |
Goal: Fabrication of samples having only some nanometer thickness with as few preparation artifacts as possible.
Instrumentation for preparation of hybrid inorganic/organic materials systems and soft matter. |
Ultramicrotome cutting
EM Ultracut 7 (Leica) |
Instrumentation for conventional TEM preparation of inorganic semiconductors. |
Diamond wire saw (Dwell) |
Minimet polishing machine (Bühler) |
Dimple grinder (Gatan) |
Ion Milling
Rapid etching system RES101 (Baltec)
Ion Milling
Rapid etching system RES010 (Baltec)
Ion Milling
Rapid etching system RES010 (Baltec) - Low Voltage
Ion Milling
Precision ion polishing system (PIPS) (Gatan)
Optical Microscope |
Zeiss Axiovert 200M |