Quantum Sensors
Quantum sensors are devices that exploit the features of quantum mechanics (e.g. interference, entanglement) to perform measurements that exceed the capabilities of classical detectors. The used quantum systems (e.g. photons, spins, atoms, ions, molecules, Bose-Einstein condensates) and the methods for state manipulation (e.g. lasers, electromagnetic waves) vary widely, and there are intimate connections to fields like quantum computing or metrology.
The group's experimental work focusses on the construction and operation of high-precision clocks that facilitate searches for physics beyond the Standard Model (e.g. in the form of ultralight scalar particles that might constitute dark matter). The clocks are based on highly-charged ions (HCI) that are stored in particle traps and cooled and interrogated with the help of lasers. The group also studies how the location of clocks (on the Earth's surface or on spacecrafts or satellites) and the data analysis technique should be optimized to maximise the likelihood of finding physics beyond the Standard Model.
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People and Contact
staff | |
Prof. Steven Worm (e-mail) | |
Dr. Ullrich Schwanke (e-mail) | |
Yang Yang | Postdoc |
Lakshmi Kozhiparambil | PhD student |
Luis Hellmich | PhD student |
Jonas Krankel | PhD student |
Saskia Kreienbaum | master student |
Research Projects and Links
QSNET | A network of up to seven clocks in the United Kingdom. (More) |
CQTA | Center for Quantum Technology and Applications - Zeuthen |
We offer bachelor and master thesis in connection with clock projects. At the moment, we have an opening for a master thesis on a fiber-optic Michelson interferometer. You can also have a look at our poster and contact us for more information.