Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mathematisch-Naturwissen­schaft­liche Fakultät - SFB 951 - HIOS

CRC 951 HIOS Gender Equality Workshop

Hybrid Interfaces -Organic meets inorganic semiconductor and Female meets male research

09th-11th April 2014, Motzen, Brandenburg


Gender equality and providing a healthy Work-Life balance for our members is a major concern for the CRC 951. Although we offer various programs supporting the reconciliation of work and family life (»more information), individual needs often require individual approaches and situation-specific solutions which have to be discussed in an open dialog.

For this purpose, the CRC 951 hosted his first scientifically oriented Gender Equality Workshop from April, 9th-11th 2014 in Brandenburg to which members of the CRC 951 and students of the Humboldt University Berlin were invited. Female senior scientist from Germany and abroad (including Japan, Italy and Netherlands), experts in the field of hybrid materials and very much engaged for gender equality within the scientific community, joined the workshop as invited speakers. The participants of the workshop used the opportunity of discussing both the current research efforts in this exciting field and the difficulties and possibilities of female scientists in different cultures.

The workshop was rounded off by professional coaching seminars, in which the participants received valuable advice and suggestions for raising the female self-confidence and to develop a healthy Work-Life balance.

Take a look at the scientific program and a small selection of photos of the first (of many to come) scientifically oriented Gender Equality Workshop of the CRC 951.
