Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mathematisch-Naturwissen­schaft­liche Fakultät - SFB 951 - HIOS

Outreach programmes established by the CRC 951


The CRC has established several scientific outreach events with HIOS specific programmes to spark the interest of pupils in sciences. These programmes include interactive scientific presentations, demonstration experiments with HIOS materials, and hands-on experience with authentic experimental equipment.

In addition, the CRC 951 offers in collaboration with Club Lise mentoring pupils the opportunity for short- and long-term internships (SchülerInnenpraktika) in various scientific projects.

Teachers and pupils are highly welcome to contact the CRC office for more information and to participate in group or in individual HIOS outreach programmes.

Schülerpraktikum Schüler Experimentieren Schuelerinnen on Tour Pupils visiting Forscherinnen-Tag PSG meets SFB 951 Germany Immersion Trip