CRC 951 in the media
CRC 951 researchers Max Heyl and Emil List-Kratochvil report on novel TMDC exfoliation technique at Advanced Science News
Pressing a layered crystal onto a gold surface is all it takes to pull off a 2D atomic layer, a method that outperforms scotch tape on industrially relevant scales. Read the article at Advanced Science News to learn more about this new technique.
CRC 951 scientist Fengshuo Zu receives 2019 Chinese Government Award
Fengshuo Zu, postdoctoral student in the project A8 (N. Koch) received the “2019 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad” of the China Scholarship Council. Fengshuo Zu investigates the electronic structure of metal halide perovskites for high-efficiency solar cells.
Norbert Koch and Maurizio Roczen participate in the campaign "DFG2020 – Für das Wissen entscheiden"
The DFG2020 – "Für das Wissen entscheiden" campaign is about communicating and underscoring the importance of research-driven knowledge. It opens up a wide range of opportunities to speak up and ask questions. It raises debates and shows what answers researchers have to offer. Check out the statements of Norbert Koch and Maurizio Roczen (and that of others) for this campaign.
Interview of CRC 951 PIs Claudia Draxl and Emil List-Kratochvil on HIOS material research in Adlershof.
The CRC 951 PIs Claudia Draxl (Project B11) and Emil List-Kratochvil (Project B14) gave an interview about their research on material science from an experimental and theoretical point of view and the importance of collaboration between these two approaches.
Interviews of CRC 951 members Caterina Cocchi and Maurizio Roczen on the importance of the promotion of equal opportunities
The CRC 951 PI Caterina Cocchi (Project B16) and managing director Maurizio Roczen gave an interview for the METIS Hompage about their personal experience with equal opportunities offers and what they still think needs to be done.
CRC 951 “Hybrid Inorganic/Organic Systems for Opto-Electronics (HIOS)” successful to launch third funding period
The Collaborative Research Centre 951 "HIOS - Hybrid Inorganic / Organic Systems for Opto-Electronics" (HIOS) will receive funding for another four years. This was decided by the German Research Foundation (DFG) at this years’ spring meeting in Bonn.
Since its establishment in 2011, the development and investigation of innovative hybrid systems has been the scientific focus of the CRC 951. These hybrid systems combine inorganic semiconductors, conjugated organic materials, and metal nanostructures with long-term goal to realize novel and superior opto-electronic functions in the meso- or nanoscopic range not achievable with any of the individual material classes alone. These functions could be used, for example, in high-frequency and multi-colored light sources and sensors, as well as electronic and optical multifunctional devices of future generations of information technology.
In the past years, the CRC elucidated the fundamental chemical, electronic, photonic, and plasmonic interactions arising from the different nature of the components combined in HIOS. As one of many results, novel hybridized quantum states and coupled excitations at the inorganic/organic interfaces were uncovered. These impressive results laid the foundation for the next four years of exciting HIOS-research.
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has now acknowledged the achievements of the CRC 951 by granting a third funding period for 2019 – 2023. The CRC's spokesperson and deputy spokesperson, Norbert Koch and Oliver Benson look forward to the joint work with 21 principal investigators from physics and chemistry of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (coordinating university), Technische Universität Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Universität Potsdam, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, and Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.
Press release of Berlin University Alliance
In der Ausgabe von "Humboldt", April 2019, spricht die Physikerin und SFB 951 Projektleiterin Prof. Dr. Caterina Cocchi über ihre Erfahrungen als Frau in der Wissenschaft und die richtige Einstellung, um es bis ganz nach oben zu schaffen (Seite 7).
Am 23. Mai 2017 nahmen sechs Schülerinnen des Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasiums unter Begleitung von Frau Weißler bereits zum zweiten Mal am Forscherinnen-Tag der Humboldt Universität Berlin teil. Die Schülerinnen des Profilkurses Mathematik der 10. Klasse und des Leistungskurses Mathematik des 2. Semesters verbrachten den Tag in Adlershof, wo sie Einblicke in aktuelle Forschungsprojekte erhielten.
The dissertation of Dr. Raphael Schlesinger was selected to be published in Springer Theses, a dedicated book series to recognize outstanding doctoral research. His work, conceived and performed within the SFB951 at the Institut für Physik of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, was supervised by Prof. Norbert Koch, also member of IRIS Adlershof.
The thesis unravels fundamental mechanisms governing hybrid inorganic organic energy-level alignment and its purposeful manipulation.These insights pave the way towards new technological control and enable usage of hybrid materials and interfaces in future devices and applications.
Erstmals fand in diesem Jahr der Forscherinnen-Tag statt. Die Veranstaltung am 31. Mai in Berlin – Adlershof bot jungen naturwissenschaftlich interessierten Mädchen die Möglichkeit, einen Einblick in den Arbeitsalltag einer Physikerin oder Chemikerin zu erhalten.
May, 2015
CRC 951 scientists perform cutting-edge research on hybrid systems that unite inorganic semiconductors, metal nanostructures, and conjugated organic materials, with the aim to realize and tailor novel opto-electronic functions. The achievements made during the first funding period (2011-2015) laid the foundations for the next four years of exciting HIOS-research. In the long term, the CRC aims for solid-state opto-electronic devices that exhibit superior performance compared to those based on any of the individual material classes alone.
The CRC's coordinator and vice-coordinator, Norbert Koch and Oliver Benson, are delighted with the success in obtaining continued funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), and they look forward to the joint work of 25 principal investigators from physics and chemistry of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (coordinating university), Technische Universität Berlin, Universität Potsdam, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, and Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.
May, 2015
Zwei Berliner Universitäten haben im Bewilligungsausschuss für Sonderforschungsbereiche am 20. und 21. Mai in Bonn mehrere Erfolge erzielen können.
Wissenschaftssenatorin Sandra Scheeres gratuliert den beteiligten Universitäten
International Innovation (Research Media), Jan, 2014
Balancing their scientific and administrative contributions at the Collaborative Research Centre 951, Spokesman and Vice-Spokesman Professor Drs Fritz Henneberger and Norbert Koch are making great leaps in creating hybrid inorganic/organic systems.
International Innovation published by Research Media is the leading global dissemination resource for the wider scientific, technology and research communities, dedicated to disseminating the latest science, research and technological innovations on a global level. More information and a complimentary subscription offer to the publication can be found at:
Humboldt-Spektrum, Jan, 2012
Im kürzlich etablierten Sonderforschungsbereich 951 >>Hybrid Inorganic/Organic Systems for Opto-Electronics<< (HIOS), werden neuartige Hybridmaterialien entwickelt, die aus anorganischen Halbleitern, konjugierten organischen Molekülen und Metall-Nanostrukturen zusammengesetzt sind. Ziel ist es, die Vorteile der Einzelmaterialien zu kombinieren, Nachteile zu kompensieren und damit bessere und neuartige Funktionseigenschaften zu erhalten, die mit keinem der individuellen Konstituenten allein erreichbar wären.
Pressestelle der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, May 26, 2011
Ab Juli 2011 wird es in Berlin und Potsdam den neuen Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) 951 „Hybrid Inorganic/Organic Systems for Opto-Electronics (HIOS)“ geben. Im Focus stehen künstliche Hybridmaterialien, die aus Halbleitern, konjugierten organischen Molekülen und metallischen Nanostrukturen bestehen.
more..., May 25, 2011
Senator Zöllner gratuliert zum großen Erfolg. Der Bewilligungsausschuss für Sonderforschungsbereiche (SFB) der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) hat am 24. Mai 2011 für zwei Neuanträge, für die die Berliner Hochschulen Sprecherhochschulen sind, die Bewilligung ausgesprochen. Der SFB 951 setzt auf Hybridmaterialien, die die Stärken ihrer einzelnen Komponenten - anorganische Halbleiter, metallische Nanostrukturen und konjugierte organische Materialien - miteinander kombinieren.
Der Tagesspiegel, May 25, 2011
Am Institut für Physik der Humboldt-Uni geht es um Materialien zum Bau allerkleinster opto-elektronischer Geräte. Diese Bauteile können etwa in Leuchtdioden oder Solarzellen verwendet werden. Immer kleinere Geräte erfordern neue Materialien, die Physikprofessor Fritz Henneberger und sein Team im SFB „Hybrid Inorganic/Organic Systems for Opto-Electronics“ entwickeln. Beteiligt sind unter anderem auch die TU Berlin, die Uni Potsdam und außeruniversitäre Institute in Berlin.