Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mathematisch-Naturwissen­schaft­liche Fakultät - SFB 951 - HIOS

HIOS Young Researcher Workshop 2016
12-14 April, Groß Plasten




Once again, the HIOS Young Researcher Workshop was an example for the strong collaborative character of the CRC 951. Fifty young and senior researchers of the CRC participated on this years workshop at the Schlosshotel Groß Plasten, Mecklenburg Vorpommern. Thirty-one speakers, distributed in eight topical sessions, presented the latest results of our collaborative research into hybrid inorganic/organic systems and thus leading to new collaborations within the CRC.
Professor Xiaoyang Zhu1, one of the world's foremost leaders on ultrafast spectroscopy of organic semiconductors and inorganic quantum dots, enriched the workshop as invited speaker.
Take a look at the scientific program and a small selection of photos from this years fruitful HIOS Young Researcher Workshop.












1 Department of Chemistry, Columbia University, NY, USA.