Novel Semiconductor Materials
Currently under investigation are a range of novel semiconductor materials. Gallium oxide (Ga2O3), for example, is one of the few conducting transparent oxides. Most transparent materials are insulating rather than conducting. Therefore, Ga2O3 has the potential, for example, to help make much thinner displays than those currently manufactured.
Ga2O3 is highly important for measurements of thermal conductivity, as heat is highly relevant to electrical applications – they generally produce more heat than can be taken away. It is important to determine the thermal conductivity for different temperatures of the environment because physical properties change for different temperatures – this relationship needs to be known for further potential applications, especially regarding durability and heat transport.
Novel Materials Group
Prof. Dr. Saskia F. Fischer email
Associated researchers
Dr. Rüdiger Mitdank email
MSc. Robin Ahrling email
MSc. Sakhir Shibli email
BSc. Alexander Spyrantis email
Maximilian Steuer email
Further research topics
Ultra-thin layers | Nanostructures | Quantum systems
Selected Publications
Thermal conductivity, diffusivity and specific heat capacity of as-grown, degenerate single-crystalline ZnGa2O4
J. Boy, R. Mitdank, Z. Galazka, and S. F. Fischer
Mater. Res. Express 9, 065902 (2022).
Short abstract
Thermal and electrical conductivity of single crystalline kesterite Cu2ZnSnS4
M. Handwerg, R. Mitdank, S. Levcenco, S. Schorr, and S. F. Fischer
Mater. Res. Express 117, 105908 (2020).
Short abstract
Charge Carrier density, mobility and Seebeck coefficient of melt-grown bulk ZnGa2O4 single crystals
J. Boy, M. Handwerg, R. Mitdank, Z. Galazka, and S. F. Fischer
AIP Advances 10, 055005 (2020).
Short abstract
Transport properties and finite size effects in ß-Ga2O3 thin films
R. Ahrling, J. Boy, M. Handwerg, O. Chiatti, R. Mitdank, G. Wagner, Z. Galazka, and S. F. Fischer
Scientific Reports 9, 13149 (2019).
Short abstract
Temperature dependence of the Seebeck coefficient of epitaxial ß-Ga2O3 thin films
J. Boy, M. Handwerg, R. Ahrling, R. Mitdank, G. Wagner, Z. Galazka, and S. F. Fischer
APL Mater. 7, 022526 (2019).
Short abstract
Temperature-dependent thermal conductivity and diffusivity of Mg-doped insulating
ß-Ga2O3 single crystal along [100], [010] and [001]
M. Handwerg, R. Mitdank, Z. Galazka, and S. F. Fischer
Semicond. Sci. Technol.31, 125006 (2016).
Short abstract
Temperature-dependent thermal conductivity in Mg-doped and undoped ß-Ga2O3 bulk-crystals
M. Handwerg, R. Mitdank, Z. Galazka, and S. F. Fischer
Semicond. Sci. Technol. 30, 024006 (2015).
Short abstract
Invited Article
Semiconductor functional oxides
Guest editors: Saskia F. Fischer and Marius Grundmann
Semicond. Sci. Technol. 30, 020301 (2015).
Special Issue
Temperature-dependent electrical characterization of exfoliated ß-Ga2O3 micro flakes
R. Mitdank, S. Dusari, C. Bülow, M. Albrecht, Z. Galazka, and S. F. Fischer
Phys. Status Solidi A 211, No. 3, 543-549 (2014).
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201330671
Short abstract
Special Issue 1 "Emerging Semiconducting Oxides"
Oliver Bierwagen and Saskia F. Fischer
Phys. Status Solidi A 211, 19-20 (January 2014).