Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Strukturforschung / Elektronenmikroskopie

Useful Plugins and Scripts for DigitalMicrograph

FRWRtools plugin

(requires the plugin Transforms.dll [for GMS1.x] or [for GMS2.x])
[Transforms.dll for GMS2.x has kindly been compiled by Christoph Gammer - LBNL]

The FRWRTools plugin [GMS 1.x / GMS 2.x] contains all the necessary functions for recording, aligning, and setting up a focal series reconstruction, as well as some useful functions for operating on image stacks and complex images in general.



Here is a screenshot of the user interface that is used for acquiring focal series. If, once you have acquired the focal series, you also want to determine the defocus step, etc. you may call the FRWR Setup menu item (tutorial). However, for this to run you need two additional DLLs in your plugins folder: cdfConvert.dll and netcdf.dll.



This plugin also includes a tool for performing a geometric phase analysis (GPA) on complex wave functions and image stacks. The example to the left shows its application on the complex wave function reconstructed from a high-resolution focal series of a layer of SiGe embedded into Si. More details can be found in this user manual.



FRWRtools contains various FFT functions for converting complex and real images from real to reciprocal space and back again.



It also contains a function for computing square-shaped diffractograms from arbitrarily shaped images.

EELS Acquire script

(requires the plugin Transforms.dll [for GMS1.x] or [for GMS2.x])
[Transforms.dll for GMS2.x has kindly been compiled by Christoph Gammer - LBNL]

A script has been especially designed to acquire EELS spectra on the SESAM. This script corrects for gain artefatcs of the CCD by moving the spectrum to different places on the 2k x 2k CCD camera. In the presence of a sharp peak (e.g. the zero-loss peak) it can also align the spectra before summing them up, or record a time series of spectra. Using this script the apparant energy resolution of the SESAm has increased quite a bit, especially at long exposure times.
